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Topics - cxagent

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Font problem (?) with TopoFusion Pro
« on: January 28, 2009, 11:43:24 AM »
I am having a problem with the fonts displayed for the scale and all other text on the map screen.  I am currently using TF Pro V 3.61, but the problem has occurred in the last several versions I have used.  It appears the font is so large or so heavy that the text becomes unreadable blocks.  The direction arrows also become large squares instead of arrows.

I have updated the version of TF several times and the problem has continued thru each update.  Today I loaded TF on a different computer - the problem did *NOT* occur.  So I changed all of the TF option settings in my laptop to match the TF option settings on the test laptop.  The problem continued. I tried the "Return to Default" button under Preferences/Fonts several times on several different versions to no avail.  I am at a loss on what to try next.  My guess is there is either a setting in TF that is not apparent to me or there is setting in Windows that affects TF.  At the user level (me), I don't have enough info to know where to look.

I am willing to lose all of my settings on my laptop if there is a configuration file that could be deleted or replaced.

Thanks for making such a great program.  We really enjoy using it for all of our activities.

TopoFusion Pro / Problme with transfer from Garmin to TF Pro 3.32
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:55:47 PM »
I started having a data transfer problem.  When I transfer tracks from a Garmin Rino 120 to TF Pro 3.32, everything appears fine until I try to save the track.  Then I get an error saying something like "Could not get date format from win.ini".  This happens 3 times then an error message for type mismatch comes up.  At that point TF shuts down leaving the list of tracks open.  It takes several attempts to "End Now" TF from the windows Task Manager.  TF finally ends after several attempts (2 or 3).  The track has been saved and is usable when TF is opened again.

I have not tested this problem on different computers.  I have tested it with a yellow Garmin eTrex and 3 different Rino120's and it happens on all.  It is happening on a Dell laptom running Windows XP Pro.  If I recall when this first started I think I had just updated TF BEFORE the latest version (about a year ago?).  I had hoped the 3.32 version would fix it, but it did not.  Once it started,  happens on ever attempt to save a track log.

Love the program.  Keep up the good work.  Will post suggestions for improvements separately.

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