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Topics - haroow

Pages: [1]
Beta Testing / 3.0
« on: February 02, 2007, 08:31:39 AM »
Based on my system which at times Scott knows can be issues...I have little or no problem.

-I did have a ghosted screen upon start up, I went to the shading section on the image processing and messed with the topo-aerial etc shading, it seemed to remove it. However it may also be something to look at. If I send it one way or the other it will work for that map tileset. But if i mess with Contrast to brightness sliders it will darken or lighten the entire screen, ( the whole monitor...Including windows and any other program running...Not cool.)

Just checked under 2.991.. It does the same thing....It messes with the monitor settings....Yah Got a fix coming...I don't like program interfering with other programs....No errors to report on trouble log...

Beta Testing / delete and insert
« on: January 13, 2007, 06:19:06 AM »
I was messing with some of the tracks on my lastest version of Topofusion, and when I selected tracks with the all encompassing bound box, and hit delete it would not delete or insert. I went to previous version it worked fine.. I have given up on placing photos, as i have no idea why it will not work.  ':O'

Beta Testing / waypoint problem
« on: January 24, 2006, 11:00:34 AM »
Was working on a map, and trying to insert waypoints, BUG: If you enter the name( feed station) of the waypoint and press ok and have the symbol marked (waypoint etc..) then save.. it only save and places "waypoint" etc...Not the name of the waypoint(feed station).. quick fix:...I place the name of the waypoint (feed station) in the symbol box; it then it saves and places the name of the waypoint (feed station)...This has occurred since the last 2 betas I think...

Archived Support / Datum Sets
« on: October 22, 2005, 01:45:53 PM »
Hello all ....I'm new to all this GPS and Topofsuion stuff, though, i always have been very good at using maps, and what not. But, I have some questions?

What is the difference between datum maps WSG 72 and WSG 84 and NAD 27? is it age, detail, etc....

How many other users have difficulty, loading the 2 8 32 topo tilesets and combo 1m....  I have contacted them, and tried the fix of 16 v 32 colors...(GIF problems) No go...I am unsure whether S.M. recieved the email i had sent for a BETA I see the server was down..I know your busy so I am  trying to see what other remedies are available..

 Scott by the way i was able to enlarge a map to fit to export by rotating the screen 90 degrees.. Ah the power of flat panel displays..How are those arrows for maps coming?

In Photofusion, it describes changing the offest  time to accomodate for the GMT and Camera time. Apparently for the time stamps to be equal.. Is there more detailed instructions for Dummys... ( I being the latter)  

Is there BLM maps on a server across the country, which give private and state property lines...???

I guess this is all I have now...

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