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Topics - derelict

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Solved: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« on: October 10, 2024, 09:31:39 AM »
I recently wanted to edit a .gpx track file, captured with my Garmin GPS 66sr ...

I load the .gpx into TF, it displays correctly, but I cannot edit the file at all; I cannot even change the track color...
it *shows* the track color changed, in the file list, but it doesn't actually change on the display.
I was initially using V5.78, but upgraded to V5.80, but this issue is not affected.

Is there a fix for this??  I checked the file (which is enclosed with this message), and it is *not* read only...
I've always used TF to correct anomalies in my track files, so I'm surprised to see it not working now!

I am using Windows 10 Pro

Derell Licht

TopoFusion Pro / Weird 'topic reply' messages...
« on: October 14, 2023, 05:47:35 PM »
I've been getting some strange messages from TopoFusion support forums...
It started a week or two back, I got 2 (I think) messages, they both had subject lines of:
Topic reply: <some subject line>

and body starts with:
Code: [Select]
A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by wystra2.

Since then, I've gotten about half-dozen or so more of these messages...
*all* have been referring to valid threads that I *did* post...
Also, most if not all of them have been dated 08/30/23

However, when I go to look at those thread replies, there are *not* replies from that date!!
Furthermore, I cannot find an existing user named 'wystra2' ...

Does our software master, or anyone else, have any idea what is going on??
I just got two more of them today... I'll include an image of the screen for context...

TopoFusion Pro / Tf4 - Waypoint list sort-by-date anomaly
« on: February 11, 2011, 06:49:17 PM »
when I sort the waypoint list by date, it ignores the year, sorting by dd,mm,yy... this is sort of worthless, especially when the waypoint list gets longer than a couple of screens.  Yes, that *is* how I have the short-form date set in Win7 (actually, no it's not, I have Win7 set to mm/dd/yy), but it makes no sense to actually sort in that order.  No other Windows program that I use makes this mistake - sort-by-date makes year the first priority, regardless of display order, in Explorer and everywhere else.

Is there any chance of getting this sort routine re-written so it works more usefully?

TopoFusion Pro / A question of maps
« on: December 01, 2010, 11:51:08 AM »
I needed to edit a track list yesterday, but I have a problem with it.  The track was mapped at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA.  The problem that I have is that none of the maps available in TF (4.05) are high-enough resolution that I can clearly see the path that I need to move the points into.

The best that I could find is Color Aerial, but as you can see in the attached map, that leaves alot to be desired.  Urban Aerial cannot map this area, it says "Unable to display map for this location and tileset".  B/W Aerial would be sufficient resolution, but the B/W map is so old that it still shows the woodland that used to exist there, before the lower campus was developed - I cannot even guess how old that must be, that development has been there for at least a decade!  And of course, no other maps actually show the campus details that I'd need for this purpose.

Google Maps/Google Earth show excellent images for this area, so what I did for now was an iterative process; move some points in TF, save as kml, load into Google Earth and view, rinse and repeat.  That has proven sufficient for my current needs... but it would be better if there was a better map in TF.

TopoFusion Pro / revisiting track adjustment
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:17:22 AM »
I recorded a track out at Foothill College yesterday, for a class assignment.  For anyone's reference, I'm including the gpx file here (it's only 8KB).  Part of the track is fine, but about half of it, the latter half, is *way* off, showing me wandering blithely through the middle of a building.  I need to be able adjust a group of points (but *not* all of them), and move them to more-reasonable locations.  I'd obviously prefer to do that graphically with drag-and-drop, rather than manually updating coordinates.  Is there *any* way I can manage that in TF ??  If not, can anyone recommend a (preferably free) program that handles this task?

Later note: I could not upload the file to here, because the upload folder is apparently full.  Instead, I've placed it on my website:

I have often noticed that a track that I record has a constant error across all points in the track.  For example, I might hike along a trail, and when I download my track to Topofusion later, I can see the actual trail on the map, and my track is offset by a few feet.  It would be interesting to be able to apply a correction to all the points in the track, to manually correct for the visible error; maybe something like "move all points 7 feet on bearing 71 degrees" or some such. 

Is there any way to try this in TF?  If not, is there any other (preferably free) software that can apply such a correction?

TopoFusion Pro / TF4: MyTopo tiles corrupted on download
« on: July 13, 2010, 07:47:40 AM »
I am getting corrupted tiles on MyTopo display.  The tiles are different colors, and don't line up with each other.  I note that each tile *does* look like a valid tile (except for the odd background colors), they just don't match up with each other. 

BTW, the regular topo map displays fine, as do all the other maps (once downloads are working!).  Only MyTopo is corrupted.

My system:
AMD 9750, 3GB RAM, Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit.
Video: Nvidia 8800GT
Topofusion 4.0

I have included an example of the screen that I'm seeing.  Here's my topofusion.log:
TopoFusion 4.000 Log Begin
SizeChanged : Not initialized, aborting
Setting internet settings..
SizeChanged : Not initialized, aborting
GPSMaster.ocx, Initialize...
Windows Major Version: 6
Windows Minor Version: 1
Windows Build Number : 7600
Windows Platform ID  : 2
Windows CSD Version  :
Initializing Winsock
Initializing Direct3D
Direct3D : Driver "NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT " (nvd3dum.dll)
Direct3D : Display properties - 1600x1200, Format=22, Refresh = 75
Free Texture Memory = 1855979520 bytes
Direct3D : Hardware supports rendering after flips (is relatively fast)
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX7
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX9
Direct3D : Hardware supports anisotropic filtering.
Direct3D : Hardware supports ALPHA pixels in textures.
Direct3D : Hardware supports any sized textures.
Direct3D : Hardware doesn't support antialiased lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports alpha blended lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports textured lines.
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Width: 8192
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Height: 8192
Color Info : Sizes : R=8, G=8, B=8
Color Info : Shifts : R=16, G=8, B=0
Direct3D : Hardware supports color conversion.
Direct3D : Hardware supports compressed textures DXT1.
Creating Surfaces (1580 x 853)
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
No custom sprites.bmp file found in default tracks dir, using standard.
No custom symbols.bmp file found in default tracks dir, using standard.
Successfully Created Surfaces
Initializing Memory Pool
Total Physical Memory: 2147483647
Physical Memory Free: 1420402688
Memory Load: 55 percent
Tile Cache Size = 1331
initMemoryPool: using DXT1 compression
Free Texture Memory = 1849688064 bytes
Setting gbLotsOfVideoRam
Initializing Threads
Initializing Index File
Sorting Index File.  Number of entries: 5501
Time to sort index file: 0.00 seconds
Initialization Complete

DirectX shutdown, resources freed.  Frames = 165

Topo maps fail (fake firewall error (I'm not running a firewall, besides which, this worked in the past)
Color Aerial sort-of works, except there are missing tiles where previously they were present
   (I'm looking at Sunol Regional Wilderness in California)
MyTopo pretends to work, but in fact it's a mish-mash collection of unrelated tiles, in different colors,
   that don't align with each other.  I consider that "doesn't work"
B/W Aerial fail (fake firewall error)
Urban Aerial fail (fake firewall error)

What is going on??  Can I revert to an older version of TF and get the old functionality back???

Archived Support / TFP => gpx => GE: no tracks??
« on: August 02, 2007, 08:03:08 AM »
I'm using TFP to download waypoints/tracks from my GPS60, then I save them as GPX and import into GoogleEarth (to get terrain elevation data).  However, when I open the GPX in GE, all it shows is the waypoints, not the tracks!!!  The data list on the left shows waypoints and tracks both checked, but no tracks are displayed.  Am I doing something wrong??

Archived Support / TF Pro 3.12 - How do I get elevations to show??
« on: July 31, 2007, 09:55:46 PM »
I've registered TF Pro, and am using V3.12.  I've imported tracks and waypoints (from my Garmin GPS60) for a recent trip, and it is displaying properly in the program.  However, there isn't any display of elevations anywhere, is this correct??  The track list shows elevation for each of the tracks, but I don't see how to display this data on the main screen.  Could someone advise me on this??

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