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Topics - red-haze

Pages: [1]
Archived - Feedback and Comments / Maps toggle disabled
« on: August 05, 2007, 08:53:37 AM »
sometimes I like to turn the maps on and off to see the tracks better. the Maps toggle button and menu item have no effect.


Beta Testing / toggle maps off, can't point edit gpx points
« on: May 18, 2007, 09:37:12 AM »
If I toggle map display off (without topo or photo maps) to just see the gpx lines and points and try to edit (select) points, it just doesn't do anything. turn maps back on and editing continues as normal. perhaps a design feature to keep one from editing without seeing where you are?


Beta Testing / photos on maps causes hang
« on: May 07, 2007, 02:43:16 PM »
finally using the photofusion and picture features of topofusion. however, my system hangs when I mouse over a picture/waypoint  that has been placed by photofusion on the map. the pic will expand and return to its small pic on mouse over but from then on topofusion is inoperable.
using topofusion on Dell Inspiron 9100 with updated drivers

btw, trip to sedona and moab was great.

Beta Testing / user maps
« on: December 29, 2006, 08:17:08 PM »
pardon my enthusiasm but being able to add my own scanned maps and calibrating using dragable points and varying transparency is a great idea!


ps, haven't been able to break this feature, but the night is young...

Beta Testing / Export Bug in 2.984
« on: December 16, 2006, 10:02:25 AM »
export at 4000x3000 works in non-beta but hangs in 2.984 beta. running on Dell Inspiron 9100 mobile radeon vid and 2 gig of system ram.

good news is that with the beta I can run at full screen but non-beta smears tiles at full screen resolution (1920x1200).

beta exports at lower resolutions.

once, the beta exported and din't hang but output a pic that was oriented vertically with big black bars on both sides.

why use 4000x3000? ah, have a printer that can go to 19"x13", and have access to another printer that does 4'x3'. have used topofusion to map our local trail system(s) and everyone wants a map '<img'>
exporting is the best way to get to the bigger print sizes.

thanks for the great program and its always getting even better!


Beta Testing / profile tool bug in beta 2.983
« on: December 08, 2006, 11:33:28 AM »
when using the profile tool in beta 2.983, after selecting a track and when the mouse goes over the profile window the program closes and I get the microsoft error reporting window.
using a Dell Inspiron 9100 notebook w/ 2gRAM, radeon mobility 64MB graphics card.
Only does it when using the profile/merge tool from the toolbar, if I just rightclick  a track and selet profile it works fine, the little bike guy rides the trail  '<img'>


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