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Topics - ahumpage

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 27, 2004, 02:49:47 PM »
I have a registered copy of Topofusion which I use to upload .gpx files from my Forerunner 201. I am a new user but have sucessfuly uploaded two tracks.
In my Demo version I was able to download Topo4M and Aerial4M, 1M over my tracks.  Now downloading is disabled for other choices or when I try to scroll off the edge of what I already downloaded.
What I got looked great.
I run XP Pro, all updates current, Windows Fwall OFF.  Problem same w/Norton Internet Security ON or OFF.  Checked Norton logs, looked to have an issue with Terraserver but since I wrote a rule that log alert has gone away, BUT, I still can't download maps or aerial views.
I don't enter via a proxy server, Cox cable internet, no problems elsewhere.
Any suggestions?  Don't know where to go from here. Thx.
Anthony Humpage.

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