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Topics - DarthWombat

Pages: [1]

One of the main reasons I purchased TopoFusion was so I could easily merge or cut tracks - the editing features are way better than those provided by Garmin. I mean, MapSource can do some basic editing but it can't seem to export back out to a TCX file with HRM and cadence (go figure), and TrainingCenter has no editing at all! At the moment, I just want to be able to edit out the sections of my rides to and from various hills so I can just look at the hill climbs and descents and compare directly between days.

I have one slight problem with the TCX files saved from TopoFusion: It completely disregards my auto-pauses and includes the pause times in the history. If you have a look at the two TrainingCenter graphs (Please don't laugh at my pathetic climbing rate), you will see that the TopoFusion output has flat lines where I stopped at the bottom and the top of the hill, where the original imported from my Edge 705 does not. If I really wanted to include my pauses, I would have turned auto-pause off in the first place. Is there some way to have the TF TCX output treat the pause times exactly as the original?

Also, I'm still having to do the manual "<Cadence>255</Cadence>" to "<Cadence>0</Cadence>" text substitution in the TF TCX files to allow TrainingCenter to import the files. TF seems to do this for all the points where I have been coasting (zero cadence). Any word on when you might have a permanent fix for this?

Otherwise, I'm having fun finding my way around TF and seeing what it can do. Keep up the good work.

Thanks in anticipation,



This is probably something really simple I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to import TCX files saved by TopoFusion Pro 4.05 into Garmin Training Center 3.53. I have tried different tracks and different file names (e.g. numbers only, no spaces) with the same result. I cannot import TopFusion TCX files as either history or courses.

For example, if I export a ride from GTC 3.53 as a TCX file, import it into into TopoFusion Pro 4.05 and save under a different name, I am unable to re-import the ride into GTC. (I did try posting this message with a zip file containing two small example files, but the forum tells me that "The upload folder is full" and I can't see the post) Both GTC and TF are set to metric units and TF is set to UTM coordinates.

Anyway, the error message when I try to re-import the ride into GTC is as follows:

Garmin Training Center(r)
The file C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\My TopoFusion Files\Mount Ainslie 20101111.tcx is an invalid history file and could not be opened.

I hope you can help. Thanks in anticipation,


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