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Messages - Offsides

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Connecting Topofusion to Internal GPS Receiver
« on: August 21, 2018, 01:56:22 PM »
Thanks, Scott.

My little tablet has got "it" and that internal receiver would combine for a robust little tool for our search and rescue team. Some phone software works ok but TopoFusion on an 11" 1920x1080 screen is amazing.

Thanks again,

Feature Requests / Connecting Topofusion to Internal GPS Receiver
« on: August 21, 2018, 12:59:24 PM »
Hi, Scott.
Back in January, Ed Hansen asked about connecting TF to the internal GPS receiver in his computer. I've had success in getting the U-block7 dongle and Garmin's 18 GPS to work on my little Win10 tablet/notebook but find both, hanging off the computer's USB port, a bit fragile.

Any further thoughts on hooking up with the internal receiver?


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Consistent hang
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:39:04 PM »
Now, how often do you see a dialog like this in any tech forum?
Good job, to both of you!


Feature Requests / Re: "Combine" Function for Tracks
« on: April 22, 2016, 05:17:18 PM »


(I'm going back to Moab and find a cliff...)

Feature Requests / GPX Track Comments and Descriptions
« on: April 22, 2016, 12:31:35 PM »

Awhile ago I wrote a GPX memo utility that works fine but outside TF.  TF can edit and display track and file descriptions but these function are buried beneath a few mouse clicks.  What, for me, would be super handy would be a toolbar toggle that opened a small editor box near the left file listing and would display the file description in each gpx file as you scrolled up and down.  This lets you peruse quickly for text you remember but don't remember where.  You could create or edit the contents on the fly, auto save when moving to the next.  The only XML field I'd fuss with would be the Description, since you are scrolling files, not tracks.

Just a thought.

Feature Requests / "Combine" Function for Tracks
« on: April 22, 2016, 12:16:41 PM »
Hi, Scott

From the command prompt, concatenating two or more gpx files into one seems to work ( copy a.gpx + b.gpx ab.gpx ), although there's probably a more elegant approach.  You then end up with one file with multiple tracks that are not necessarily connected or even nearby but display all at once when enabled.

 It would be slick to, say, press the Shift or Ctrl key, then left click highlight the desired tracks, right click, click "Combine" or "Box" or whatever, name a destination file and poof! one file, multiple tracks.  Looks like it would be super quick to implement.  Just a thought, but perhaps including the Merge and Network functions under the same select --> Right Click menu might be handy.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Refreshing Color Tiles
« on: April 22, 2016, 10:54:19 AM »

I saw the "Expire all maps in tileset" button but couldn't find a reference in the docs.  I wasn't sure what it does.  I have many, many gb of map data that I'm afraid to experiment on and that button looks ominous.  I was hoping a block download would work on the old color tiles.  Tile by tile is ok but tedious.


TopoFusion Pro / Refreshing Color Tiles
« on: April 21, 2016, 06:37:54 PM »
Hi, Scott.

 I've noticed that when a download occurs to fill in a blank tile, it often is of noticeably higher resolution, as if the server database has been upgraded with higher res imagery since adjacent tiles were downloaded.  Isn't there a way to make TF "refresh" existing tiles?

Thanks for TF,

Feature Requests / Info Tool Enhancements
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:12:44 PM »
Scott, I really like the new Info Tool.  It would be a nice extension if the description, if any, for that track could appear beneath the "info" text.  Maybe have a radio button decide that in the Preferences.

Also, when you left click a "dot", shouldn't it be the Track Properties not the File Properties that pops up?  Seems so if you have multiple tracks in a file.

TopoFusion just keeps getting better and better.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: TopoFusion on the HP 500 Slate
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:14:18 PM »
An update on my "experiment".
I've installed the new driver with some interesting results.  First, the new driver enables 3D rendering in BaseCamp but very poorly in TF.  I won't go into detail, but it's unusable.  What's bizarre, though, is when you dip into 3D mode, then back out to 2D, panning is at full speed(!).  You have go through this little step each time you load TF; once done, you have the usual fast navigation.

I've concluded that both drivers are at fault.  The original one is purposely limited for some reason, the second is buggy.  I suppose that's as good as it's going to get as the HP 500 is discontinued.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: TopoFusion on the HP 500 Slate
« on: August 07, 2012, 03:42:14 PM »
Ok, thanks for the log review.  I was hoping you could spot an "aha" that was easy to tweak but not finding a problem is good, too.
In the "underground" there is an Intel driver that may improve performance.  Unfortunately, it's not supported by Intel so nothing is certain.  I'll do a drive image before attempting an upgrade.  ;-)

Windows, up through 7, really isn't a very good tablet OS because all the buttons and other controls are mouse or keyboard-centric.  Still, if I can get TF to run on this little guy it should, hooked up to my 60csx, make a terrific field GPS.

Thanks for your help,

TopoFusion Pro / Re: TopoFusion on the HP 500 Slate
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:22:12 PM »
I'll attach a couple of .log files to an email.
The HP500 is aimed at the "productivity" oriented customer, another way of saying it's happy running Word but not WarCraft.  Graphics speed is not high on the list of features.  I guess if you can look over the logs and pinpoint a hardware deficiency, that would be a start.


TopoFusion Pro / TopoFusion on the HP 500 Slate
« on: August 04, 2012, 06:02:28 PM »
I've just gotten hold of an HP 500 Slate (Tablet).  It runs Win7, has 2gb of ram and a 64gb SSD.  I figured to make a super GPS out of it for use on our local Search and Rescue team.  With Garmin's 100k topo, BaseCamp pans around a map as snappy as it does on my laptop.  TopoFusion crawls.  While background tasks like downloads work normally, screen redraws are virtually static.  It can take literally seconds for the screen to recover from a 1/2 window pan.  Is it a VB6 issue?  I've got DirectX 11 loaded.  Any ideas?


TopoFusion Pro / Re: DirectX problem
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:17:55 PM »
Yes, seems to work fine, now, although this is a pretty low-end system and there's a touch of jitter.
The initial error was thrown when I had TF straddling both screens and tried to "stretch" it further onto the right screen (the external monitor)  No telling what conflicts were developed.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: DirectX problem
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:11:59 AM »
Sorry again.  Straightened out my monitor settings and it's back.  A little day-before-leaving panic.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: DirectX problem
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:59:22 AM »
Sorry, forgot to mention I'm running TF 4.5.

TopoFusion Pro / DirectX problem
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:58:04 AM »
I have a little Gateway laptop running XP Pro that I throw into my backpack sometimes for longer rides.  Today, while downloading some topo maps, I hooked up a larger monitor and ran as dual screen.  Just to see what would happen, I tried stretching TF across both screens.  Big mistake.  A fatal error popped up about needing DirectX 9.  Ok, so I downloaded and installed DirectX 9, restarted the computer.  Now, when loading TF, I get the following:

"Can't initialize DirectX; Set D3DDevice failed!  Check that you have updated to DirectX 9.0c and that your video card drivers are up to date.  Also try closing any graphic intensive programs ...."

I have reinstalled TF, deleted everything but the .ini file, use only the laptop monitor, and still have this error.

Any ideas?


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Terraserver shutting down May 1
« on: May 02, 2012, 11:18:48 AM »
"4.5 is out with a new US Topo tileset -- seems to be hosting the same topo's as Terraserver."

Alas, it seems to be downloading tile areas that I already have...


TopoFusion Pro / Re: convert gpx to dxf or dwg
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:57:47 PM »
If you do a google search on "DFX to GPX converter" you will find quite a few references.  There may be a free one in there somewhere, or at least something to fit your budget.

Feature Requests / Yes or No to All in save on exit dialog
« on: August 06, 2011, 10:35:56 AM »
Recently I had about 60 track fragments loaded that I had been tinkering with but didn't need to save.  On exit, of course, TF wanted to know if I wanted to save every change.  Being able to click a "No to all" button would have saved some time and carpel tunnel irritation.   ;)


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Merging Map Data
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:56:02 PM »
Thanks, Scott.

A small utility does sort of make sense.  Are TF's map files in a proprietary format or ...?


TopoFusion Pro / Merging Map Data
« on: July 29, 2011, 05:30:18 PM »
Hi, Scott.

Is it possible to merge map data of the same geographical area?  For example, if you had a directory with map.dat files of mostly topo tiles and another directory containing mostly color aerial tile data, could the two be merged into one database?

I realize this isn't a current feature but does the MapIndex and Mapx file structure theoretically permit this?


Beta Testing / Re: Very slow 3D startup
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:47:21 AM »
Well, shucks, nothing can be that easy.  These *are* computers, after all...

The Texture setting set to one worked for me too.  Not sure how that got tweaked as I've never fiddled with the 3D settings, that I can remember.  Could the default have changed during a recent upgrade?

Must be Scott's fault...


Beta Testing / Re: Very slow 3D startup
« on: June 27, 2011, 08:15:39 PM »

That's it, exactly; slow to "load", normal to rotate, tilt, and pan.


Beta Testing / Re: Very slow 3D startup
« on: June 26, 2011, 08:29:00 PM »

I have to second this one.  I haven't spoken up about it because of all the tampering I've been doing to TF and it's environment, thinking it might be something I've done.  I'd be interested to know if there are some users who have seen NO change.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: DEM Directory different from Map Directory
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:10:28 PM »

Ok, I think I've got it.  Does this mean that, since we don't manually download DEM data any more, it doesn't matter what the DEM data path is set to(?)


TopoFusion Pro / DEM Directory different from Map Directory
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:26:36 PM »
Under Options you can have DEM data in a different directory than the maps. 
1.  Are there occasions when you would want to have DEM data in a different place?
2.  Since there doesn't seem to be separate DEM files, is DEM data stored within a Map[n].dat file?


Feature Requests / Re: A (Christmas?) Wish List
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:52:03 PM »
Thanks, Scott.  Will sign up for beta.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: What is GPSMaster.ocx
« on: November 29, 2010, 10:40:22 PM »
I'll do my best on the wish list!  Maybe by Dec 25th!

Ah, Santa comes in many forms!
Thanks, Scott.


Feature Requests / Command Line Options
« on: November 28, 2010, 10:15:46 PM »
In searching the forum and help file, there doesn't seem to be any command line options built into TF.  Two that I can think of that would be handy for me, at least, would preset the dirs that TF looks into for maps and tracks on startup.  If each track dir had a "track.idx" or some sort of track list that contained the active list, that would allow seamless switching from one map task to another, with everything set up from when you last left it.  Something like:

topofusion.exe /m=c:\My Documents\My Topofusion\CA /t=My Documents\My Topofusion\bike\shasta\

There are doubtless other parameters that could be useful.

Thanks for TF,

TopoFusion Pro / What is GPSMaster.ocx
« on: November 28, 2010, 06:03:19 PM »
There is a GPSMaster.ocx file in the TF dir and wonder why it isn't TopoFusion.ocx?  There is a GPSMaster program that seems to be a TopoFusion wannabe.  Is there some connection between TF and GPSM?

Also, thanks in advance for putting all my Christmas Wish List (Feature Requests) in the next TF.   ;D


Feature Requests / A (Christmas?) Wish List
« on: November 18, 2010, 06:15:26 PM »
I am hugely impressed with the power built into TopoFusion.  It has literally transformed the way I view and work with tracks and maps. The following suggestions are in no way critical of your work but more a wish list.  Since you actually seem to enjoy doing what you do and are responsive to your customers, I'm hoping you might consider some of the following.  So, here goes:

Make the little pivot sphere in 3D view a small compass rose, so it would be easier to retain orientation when soaring around a 3D aerial map.

3D regeneration works fast enough, at least on my laptop, that it should be able to just occur whenever the center pivot moves more than a certain dx or dy instead of having to traverse to a tile edge. 

The File/Print function doesn't hook up with all functions of my printer driver.  For example, my Canon MX860 print menu is able to preview a print job and posterize a page by spreading it out into a 2x2 or 3x3 page array that can be trimmed and taped together.  TopoFusion doen't support these features.

Merge vs. Merge:
The name "merge" is given to two different operations.  The first, the merge tool, joins tracks into one continuous track.  The second merge bundles the track data from separate track files into one file, without joining them.  Perhaps "join" in the first case would be clearer.

Track Stats vs. File Stats:
While the tracks within a merged file retain their original identity, the track lengths and points count are summed in the file properties tab under stats.  This presents us with the non-useful total of the entire file no matter what track is highlighted.  It would be nice to have, under Track Properties, say, the individual distance and track stats for a selected track.

Merged Track Files as Libraries:
A file of merged (but not joined) tracks could be used as a library of track segments.  This can be very helpful when we want to load all the tracks in a particular area for use in developing a ride or hike route.  Unfortunately, in order to be able to choose separate merged tracks, we must load a copy and delete the unwanted tracks.  It would be more convenient if we could pick (highlight) desired track segments and copy them into into another file or, in some other way, directly copy/save each individually.  Suggestion:  How about Ctrl-Right Click each track to highlight two or more, then the Right Click menu could have a Save As option.

Drawn tracks don't have any time data and route planning for a future ride or hike that uses past recorded tracks doesn't need time data.  Being able to null a recorded track's time data, especially during a "joining" type merge (above) might eliminate some problems.
I expect that you wish to keep the number of buttons on the active file window to a minimum.  But additional functions via a right-click button would be handy ... like "Check All", "UnCheck All", "Select All", "Unload All", etc. would be nice.

Inserting many waypoints of the same type would be more convenient if the waypoint symbol would default to the last selected for many of the same symbol.

Scroll wheel zoom focus occurring at the mouse cursor position would reduce having to pan around during zoom.

TF allows us to colorize a track in just about any RGB color possible.  Unfortunately, our GPSs understand a very limited subset of what's possible.  For example, my Garmin 60Csx understands 16 track colors but will show only 7 of TF's 48 preset colors; all other colors I might have used default to red when uploaded into the GPS.  Theoretically, TopoFusion allows us to define a custom color which should allow us to match Garmin's internal colors.  I haven't gotten custom colors using the RGB values for Garmin's internal colors to work reliably, but since they aren't saved,  they can't be used later, anyway.  Sorry for the ramble, here, but track colors are a pain.

It would be nice to be able to toggle through map "underlays" (T, C, S, etc.) while viewing a user map without having to uncheck first, re-select, then check again.

Keep up the good, and very much appreciated, work.

Bill Abbay

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