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Messages - cthomas

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Archived Support / Waypoints
« on: April 29, 2006, 05:08:54 PM »
Quote (Krein @ April 29 2006,12:40)
Quote (cthomas @ April 29 2006,9:16)
Can you edit the waypoints in PhotoFusion?

Not sure what you mean -- photofusion doesn't use waypoints.  The photos just stay on the track.

When we start to re-work parts of PhotoFusion they will be waypoints so they can be adjusted by hand afterwards, edited, etc.  It would be nice to be able to add photos that don't have time stamps (or were outside the time of any GPS track).

Ok. When you look at the properties of a file and on the Track Points tab you can Convert a point to a Waypoint. Do you lose your images? What are the advantages/disadvantages of converting to waypoints?

Archived Support / Waypoints
« on: April 29, 2006, 06:16:55 AM »
Hey thanks. After I made this post I went out and set a waypoint on the GPS and just start walking and taking pictures. And every where I took a picture it showed as a point with the image. Great.

I also have a COOLPIX 4300 and no matter what I try I cannot get the time on it to match my GPS. My Canon I set it's time months ago and it's still right.

Can you edit the waypoints in PhotoFusion?

Archived Support / Waypoints
« on: April 28, 2006, 11:40:55 AM »
I use a Garmin MapGPS 76. When I set the first waypoint and take a picture  and say I walk a mile taking pictures. Do I need to set another waypoint for each picture I take? Or will the GPS add the waypoint every time I stop to take a picture?

Can I edit the waypoints in Photofusion?



Archived Support / Which One ...
« on: April 18, 2006, 07:08:20 PM »
Ok my EXIF Date Time Original is 02:30:05 PM. PhotoFusion says the time is 19:01:36. So what time should my EXIF Date Time Original be? And what off set should I use?

Archived Support / Which One ...
« on: April 18, 2006, 05:20:39 PM »
Quote (Krein @ April 18 2006,7:16)
#2 - Date Time Original

Hope you're able to get it working.  Set the camera first next time.  '<img'>

I did many times. It is a Nikon CoolPix 4300. The strange thing is the 4300 shows the same time as my Canon 20D and my MapGSP 76 but the EXIF time is different.

Archived Support / Which One ...
« on: April 18, 2006, 02:33:49 PM »
When I look at the EXIF information for my images it shows three Dates and Times:

1. Date Time               2006:04:09 02:37:54
2. Date Time Original     2006:04:09 02:37:54
3. Date Time Digitized   2006:04:09 02:37:54

Which one does PhotoFusion use?

Archived Support / Time
« on: April 14, 2006, 06:13:55 PM »
Quote (cthomas @ April 13 2006,2:46)
Is there a way to fix this? "All of the pictures were before the GPSdata"  I have tryed all of the offsets. Is there away to adjust the time in the picture?

To fix it for future pictures I set my camera time to match my GPS time.



Please. Please help.

I have spent hours adjusting the GMT time offset but nothing works. '<img'>

Archived Support / Time
« on: April 13, 2006, 11:46:28 AM »
Is there a way to fix this? "All of the pictures were before the GPSdata"  I have tryed all of the offsets. Is there away to adjust the time in the picture?

To fix it for future pictures I set my camera time to match my GPS time.



TopoFusion Basic / Problem creating OpenGL
« on: April 11, 2006, 06:20:22 AM »
I keep get this error Problem creating OpenGL texture, Max texture size=1024x1024, need 2048x1024. I have a ViewSonic VG910s and the hightest it will go is 1280x1024 and the video card is a Matrox PowerDesk version 6.95.005


Archived Support / Real Time Tracking Feature - Does Not Seem To Work
« on: April 07, 2006, 03:28:03 PM »
Don't mean to highkack this thread but what is real time tracking and what do you need to do it?


Archived Support / Questions, questions
« on: April 07, 2006, 06:07:51 AM »
Quote (Krein @ April 06 2006,10:25)
For people serious enough to be doing RAW photos and converting I don't think it will be much hassle to move to JPEG for photofusion usage.

It is not a hassle to convert to JPEG for photofusion usage. The hassle comes in when you try to manage and Archive 6,000 + images and growing every day.

Lets say I need 3,000 images for Photofusion usage then I have to manage and Archive 9,000 images instead of 6,000 plus extera hard drive space.

There are some programs that will handle TIFs but they do not have all of the features of Topofusion.

Archived Support / Questions, questions
« on: April 06, 2006, 06:02:22 PM »
Quote (Krein @ April 06 2006,6:04)
Do you mean instead of JPEGs for photofusion?

We hadn't planned on it since most digital cameras use JPEG, not tif.  I wasn't even aware of a .tif format that stored time and/or position data..?

Not instead of JPEGs but JPGs and TIFs. Most point and shoot digital cameras do use JPEG but a lot of DSLRs can shoot JPEG and or RAW. My Canon 20D will shoot just JPEG, or just RAW, or JPG + RAW. I shoot 90 to 95% RAW make any adjustments to the RAW images and then convert to TIF for archival. TIFs do have Metadata that is one reason I use TIF.

Archived Support / User Manual
« on: April 06, 2006, 03:51:35 PM »
Hi Scott. Sorry for the comments. I do appericate your email. I do think TopoFusion is a good program.

Scott: but I don't agree with your ascertation about features.
MY reply: I didn't mean to imply anything negative about the features. I think they are great.

Scott: (are you sure you're looking at the right page?)
My reply: Good question? Would be so kind as to point me the the right page.

BTW I just purchased TopoFusion after looking at many others.


Archived Support / Questions, questions
« on: April 06, 2006, 12:24:02 PM »
Is there or will there be support for .tif files?


Archived Support / Questions, questions
« on: April 05, 2006, 05:31:35 PM »

Can you add lat/lon data manually to your images and EXIF?

Archived Support / Questions, questions
« on: April 05, 2006, 09:51:47 AM »
Just getting started in this fun stuff.

What is the difference in track and a route? Can Toptofusion load images just using one waypoint and not a track? After I buy Topofusion will the maps be clearer? Does the latest version now show UTM and grid lines?


Archived Support / User Manual
« on: April 03, 2006, 05:34:00 PM »
I have been looking at the for two days now but the manual is really not very good. How do you generate a click-able imagemap like is showen in the examples? How do you chooe which program you want to view your picture in? When you generate a HTML ImageMap where is it save and how do you open it?

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