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Messages - gpsdualsport

Pages: [1]
Beta Testing / Re: Beta 5.61
« on: April 30, 2020, 02:41:17 PM »
Have completed a test drive. Handles better than before. ;D
The changes make editing much easier. 5.62 gets my approval!

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 5.61
« on: April 29, 2020, 07:43:39 AM »
I been playing with the advanced track tools. Good Stuff!
Highlighting 'noise' is a neat feature. It took me a couple of attempts to find out how to delete the highlighted noise. But I finally got rid of it all.

Beta Testing / Beta 5.31 stuff
« on: September 20, 2016, 01:24:39 PM »
Just fired up Beta 5.31. Even got the MapQuest API key entered.
So far no problems with the software. But the MapQuest OSM and Open Aerial tiles have a copyright logo on every tile.
Attached is a screen shot.
I know this is not a TopoFusion issue since MapQuest is adding this to each tile downloaded. The logos are really making the map look cluttered.
This is a minor issue since other tile sets are available without logos.

Feature Requests / User Maps and importing from OziExplorer
« on: December 13, 2009, 11:00:03 AM »
The User maps is a great feature in TF. My request is it possible to use my current user map library from OziExplorer? I have several gigs of scanned maps already and the thought of going back in to georeference all of these for use in TF is causing uncontrolled twitching that makes my wife nervous ;D.
Here is a sample of a OziExplorer *.map file that has calibration information
OziExplorer Map Data File Version 2.2
C:\ \OziExplorer\Maps\SanBernardinoNSF.JPG
1 ,Map Code,
WGS 84,,   0.0000,   0.0000,WGS 84
Reserved 1
Reserved 2
Magnetic Variation,,,E
Map Projection,Latitude/Longitude,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,No
Point01,xy, 2768, 2408,in, deg,  34, 9.51582,N, 117,17.54604,W, grid,   ,           ,           ,N
Point02,xy, 2990,  654,in, deg,  34,24.79026,N, 117,15.27162,W, grid,   ,           ,           ,N
Point03,xy, 4730,  445,in, deg,  34,26.62632,N, 116,57.00828,W, grid,   ,           ,           ,N
Point04,xy, 6506, 1944,in, deg,  34,13.60482,N, 116,38.32404,W, grid,   ,           ,           ,N
Pont05,xy,     ,     ,in, deg,    ,        ,N,    ,        ,W, grid,   ,           ,           ,N
This line number increments until…..
Point30,xy,     ,     ,in, deg,    ,        ,N,    ,        ,W, grid,   ,           ,           ,N
Projection Setup,,,,,,,,,,
Map Feature = MF ; Map Comment = MC     These follow if they exist
Track File = TF      These follow if they exist
Moving Map Parameters = MM?    These follow if they exist
MMPLL,1,-117.777919,  34.507371
MMPLL,2,-116.503749,  34.508917
MMPLL,3,-116.500112,  33.451610
MMPLL,4,-117.774282,  33.450063
MOP,Map Open Position,0,0
IWH,Map Image Width/Height,7283,7288

The corresponding JPG image file is 6.85 MB (7,192,576 bytes)
Is there something that can be done easily without excessive cutting and pasting between TF and OziExplorer?

Feature Requests / Tracklog Playback linked to Video playback
« on: June 13, 2008, 07:19:22 AM »
That's exactly what I need to do. Do you have any contact information on the TF users already doing this kind of stuff? The U tube link shows a GPS window that doesn't look like TF. Do your recognize the software?
Thanks for help,
d.y. LA-B-to-V GPS guy

Feature Requests / Tracklog Playback linked to Video playback
« on: June 09, 2008, 07:29:48 AM »
Got a tough request.  I have two things going on at once. Recording helmet cam video during a ride and my GPS is also recording the tracklog. Both devices have time stamps on the recorded data.
Is there any way to get TF to animate the track log playback so it's sync'd with the video time stamp?
Imagine you have two windows open on your computer desk top. One window is the playback of your recorded video. The other window is TF where the track log playback position matches the video timestamp.
What do you think? How tough to pull this off?
Dan Y. GPS guy for LA-B-to-V, AMA district 37.

TopoFusion Anouncements / TopoFusion and Direct3D
« on: December 18, 2006, 08:41:14 PM »
What is the recommended graphics card for use with the new Direct3D features?
My old computer hardware will not run the new Beta flavors.
Rather than beat up the overworked programmers to write code to work with graphics systems that are over 5 years old I'm buying new hardware.
Which list is shorter?
Current graphic cards that will not work with Direct3D?
Current graphics cards that will work with Direct3D?
Since I'm not a computer game guy I building a mid performance system and want to make sure the graphics card works with Direct3D.
Any recommendations?

Beta Testing / Beta Bug in 2.982
« on: November 17, 2006, 07:55:20 AM »
Wow, my very own beta version. I am honored.
Give me a couple of days to check this out. I'm in the middle of Roll Chart and GPS data prep for LA-Barstow-to-Vegas dual sport event.

Beta Testing / Beta Bug in 2.982
« on: November 11, 2006, 09:21:11 AM »
Downloaded the freshest beta this morning. The update loaded with no errors reported.
When attempting to run Topofusion the splash screen displays showing version 2.981 then quickly disappears.
Then nothing. The program will not run.
I have downloaded the beta two times. The first attempt was truncated. The second attempt appeared to be complete.
I'm needing the GIS features and ready to test.
My project schedule is nearing crunch time and need to move forward this weekend.
Help me soon......
Dan Yuknavage
GPS Geek for AMA district 37 Dual Sport

I've been using Topofusion for quite a while now and what to says tharnks to Scott M. and the rest of the team.
Props #1. The trail networking function is more robust now and generates less 'false intersections' than before. I don't understand how it works. In some sections it appears to be a true average of the tracks. In other sections it appears 'envelope' the tracks and take the shortest path around a turn. The end result are exactly what I need and I can live without understanding how it's coded.
Props #2. This year the the Southern California Ride for Kids dual sport charity event I was finally able to get my GPS data cleanly downloaded into the Magellan GPS units.
Magellan tracklog loading is always a major pain for me. All of my data collection and prep work is with Garmin hardware. Downloading this Garmin generated tracklog into Magellan GPS hardware has always been difficult in the past. The data on the Magellan has unusual additions between the track segments. The end results have been the tracklogs resemble a spider web on the Magellan displays. This year was the first time I could import the Garmin made GPX file into Topofusion then download this track into the Magellan Sportrak without errors. The track segements were not linked together.
I wanted to say Thanks for the continued improvements to Topofusion.
Dan Yuknavage
AMA District 37 Dual Sport GPS geek, (the LA Barstow to Vegas district of the AMA)

Pages: [1]