Author Topic: Track averaging  (Read 2793 times)


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Track averaging
« on: August 24, 2007, 05:01:08 PM »

One of the things I seem to do a LOT with TF is average tracks. TF can approximate this with the Make Network (MN) tool, but this approach has some drawbacks: using MN requires one to split all tracks into averagable sections in separate files, and disable all but the sections to be averaged; and MN (irrevocably?) marks the result as a network.

What I suggest is something akin to the Track Merge ™ tool, except that it would average multiple tracks instead of catenate them. Operation would be: select the tool/mode, click on a track, shift-click on additional tracks, and use a right click menu item to save the average (or remove last, etc.). As with the TM tool, selection would not cross track breaks (so each bit to be merged would not have to be saved to a separate file).

Thanks for continuing to develop this great program.