Author Topic: Split Track enhancement  (Read 4091 times)


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Split Track enhancement
« on: November 30, 2009, 06:22:05 PM »
Just tried playing with split tracks and two features came to mind.
1. My friends use Zumo's for their dirt bikes and I need to split their track log files by distance (ie each leg cannot be more than 20-25 miles long).  The Zumo will do a "gross" simplification of the route.  By gross I mean you lose a ton of detail in all the wrong places.

2. I use the Garmin 60cs and for it to work properly the logs all need to start with "active log n" where n is a sequential number.  I have not replicated my full process in TF yet so you may already support this.


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Re: Split Track enhancement
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2009, 01:13:19 PM »

1.  The simplify function in TF is very good at preserving detail and minimizing points.  Have you tried it?  Why do legs need to be 20-25 miles long, just curious?

2.  Are you trying to upload as saved tracks or to the active log?  If the former, the name is not important -- you get 20 x 500 points no matter what.  If using the active log, you can have as many track segments as you want, with 10,000 points total, and the unit drops the name no matter what it is.  Maybe you can explain more why it needs to be named a specific way?  I have a lot of experience uploading tracks to that unit and I must be missing something.

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Split Track enhancement
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2009, 05:24:15 PM »
First and most important point... This happened when loading from map surce into the Zumo 450.  I need to replicate this in TF to see if it is unit related or SW.

The issue with the zumo resulted in lost detail.  I kept the total number of track points well below the limits of the unit.  In this case I had a 176 mile track that was broken into 3 smaller tracks.  One of which was abut ~50 miles in length.  When I uploaded to the Zumo the initial portion of the track had full detail but the later half had a large section that was just a straight line to an area near the ending point.

I need to pull one of the Zumo's we use and test a few times to get more specific on the issues.

Regarding the 60cs...  This again seemed to be a issue with longer sections.  The unit gave me a "truncate data" error message with little additional information.  Once I named them as "active log" the unit seemed to not truncate the data and all of the detail was there.