Author Topic: Projecting waypoints/trackpoints/tracks  (Read 3146 times)


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Projecting waypoints/trackpoints/tracks
« on: August 31, 2010, 04:41:21 PM »
I'd like to see a capability of starting with a known point and then creating a track or group of waypoints using vector information.

The most common example of this would be creating a track from a legal description, perhaps being able to simply paste legs into a table and then using the know lat/lon of starting point, convert and save it as a track. Or for that matter being able to create the track and then drag one of its points to a point on a TF display.

For any given point there could be an "on the ground" GPS reading and a calculated value based upon following the legal description starting with a different point as waypoint.

I have done some of this using my own calculations, but having it integrated into TF would be a treat.

While a "bulk" capability would be ideal,  even a simple "Project new waypoint" option for an existing waypoint would be very useful. Or does this exist and I have missed it? I see that the track drawing tool could be used to do this roughly but its resolution is pretty coarse.  
(And what ever happened to providing a tooptip for the draw track tool which also mentions "measure distance.")
