Author Topic: Consistency and/or settings for Profile Scaling  (Read 2847 times)


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Consistency and/or settings for Profile Scaling
« on: May 09, 2009, 08:02:00 PM »
In order to allow visual apples-to-apples comparisons I would like to see TF create exported (or even on-screen) profiles that are all scaled identically, perhaps based upon "option" settings.

Yes, I know I can manually  stretch the on screen version (and the resulting export), but I can't do that with any accuracy of without lots of tedium. In fact Photoshop is a much better alternative for that type of manipulation since I can specify scaling numbers.   

I regularly look at profiles of rides for myself and,  more importantly, create onlines images for the courses of a TT series that I run for the local club.
TF presently (I believe) spits out each exported profile in exactly the same  size box.  A 15 mile profile with 500 feet of elevation gain looks much like  a 60 mile profile with 2000 feet of gain.
Similarly the vertical size is fixed with each profile being stretched to fit the box,  rather than the other way around. Ie.  Let's allow stretching  the box instead.

In conjunction with this I would like to see elevation color coding consistent over a chosen range. For example we do local TT's on courses withe elevations as low as 5000 feet and as high as 11,000 feet though not necessarily on the same course.  It would be nice to have more consistency to provide a clear and distinct  visual comparison between the profiles of two courses to reflect a difference in elevation, even if the amount of elevation gain is similar.
(Going from 6800 to 8600 is NOT the same as going from 8800 to 10,600 even if the courses have identical lengths and grades.)

The box would be scaled to the length and net elevation difference over the course and the color coding would reflect actual elevation.  Let's say for example, 7100 feet would end up being always shown as an rgb value of (82,165,95) on ANY profile (that may already be in place).

So settings options could include minimums and maximums for elevation, profile length, display box height,  display box width.