Author Topic: Controlling/Showing Elevation Contours  (Read 4383 times)


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Controlling/Showing Elevation Contours
« on: November 05, 2010, 04:22:56 PM »
The elevation shading for maps in 4.05 is very cool, thank you!

However, it appears that (a) the number of ranges is fixed; and (b) the size of each range is not obvious (although I would assume that they're evenly distributed as 1/5 of the difference min and max?)

It would be nice if:
(a) there was some sort of legend to determine which colors refer to which elevations; and/or
(b) there was a way to set the ranges for each color individually (e.g. range 1 is 0-4000, range 2 is 4000-8000, range 3 is 8000-10,000, range 4 is 10-11,000, range 5 is 11,000+ -- note that I am suggesting non-equal-sized ranges here!).

Note that with (a) and the current min-max features you could kinda sorta emulate (b).

(a) is particularly nice when you're using the auto-min-max feature.

Again, thanks! It's actually pretty interesting


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Re: Controlling/Showing Elevation Contours
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 07:20:06 PM »
I agree, I'd like to see more control on the contour function.  Getting the UI up and running is the only thing that held me back.  I will see what I can do, perhaps just (a) first.

Thanks for the feedback.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Controlling/Showing Elevation Contours
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 03:48:38 AM »
The elevation shading for maps in 4.05 is very cool, thank you!

However, it appears that (a) the number of ranges is fixed; and (b) the size of each range is not obvious (although I would assume that they're evenly distributed as 1/5 of the difference min and max?)

It would be nice if:
(a) there was some sort of legend to determine which colors refer to which elevations; and/or
(b) there was a way to set the ranges for each color individually (e.g. range 1 is 0-4000, range 2 is 4000-8000, range 3 is 8000-10,000, range 4 is 10-11,000, range 5 is 11,000+ -- note that I am suggesting non-equal-sized ranges here!).

Note that with (a) and the current min-max features you could kinda sorta emulate (b).

(a) is particularly nice when you're using the auto-min-max feature.

Again, thanks! It's actually pretty interesting

I also vote for this feature request. :)