Author Topic: Batch waypoint naming  (Read 3699 times)


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Batch waypoint naming
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:49:14 PM »
Here's what I 'd like to be able to do:
Drag a bunch of waypoints into a file.
Then have a function to rename all the waypoints with a user defined format that can use the properties of each waypoint. I was specifically thinking of being able to mark elevation but I can see other properties being useful too.

In the same vein I'd like to see the waypoints created by "lap analysis" auto-nameable by, for example, elapsed time from the track. Sort of a poor man's "virtual training partner."
Edit: And combining concepts above = how about waypoints auto created by "lap analysis" at designated integral intervals of elevation? 100,200 ... or 6000, 6500...  either by absolute or relative elevation.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 04:27:35 PM by KenF »