Author Topic: v3.41 - Australian Topos, Line styles  (Read 5431 times)


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v3.41 - Australian Topos, Line styles
« on: August 15, 2008, 11:36:36 AM »
v3.41 is ready for beta testing.  Find it in the usual place:

The first big change is a new map server!  Australian topo maps!

Sample image from the Melbourne area:

Sample at a smaller scale:

We're very excited to offer automatically downloaded Topo maps for all of Australia!

Note that the Canadian Topo tileset is now the CAN / AUS tileset.  Since Canada and Australia don't overlap they share a tileset.  In the northern hemisphere TF will download from the CAN server, and in the southern it's the AUS server.


The other big change is per line styling.  Now individual tracks within a single GPX (or kml) file can have different colors, widths, opacities and patterns (dashed, dotted, etc).

This required moving to GPX 1.1 (previously TF was using 1.0), and it was about time to join the newer standard.  So we spent some extra time testing things since the "bread and butter" GPX saving routines had some changes.

Really there's nothing to major between 1.0 and 1.1.  But we can now use the GPX_Styles extension to get colors, widths, etc.

Screen shot:

That shows a little bit of what can be done.  The good thing is that this is all stored in a standard way that can be read by several other GPX programs.

To change a track's style you need to right click on it and choose "Track Properties."  You'll get this dialog:

Pretty self explanatory.  The old way of changing colors
per file still works and is in the File Properties dialog, but be careful since it change every track in your file to that color.

We'll have more features related to this in future versions.  For example, settings for what you want your default track to look like.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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v3.41 - Australian Topos, Line styles
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2008, 11:37:52 AM »
Other changes / fixes are in the release notes:

3.41 – [08/15/08]

Cut tracks now inherit the original track’s color/width/pattern/etc
Fixed File Properties to only apply color to all tracks when color is
   actually changed
Fixed bug when merging tracks while download box or drawn track is active

3.40 – [08/12/08]

Added Australian Topo Map server!
   Covers all of Australia
   Shares tileset with Canadian topo – “Can Topo” now “Can/Aus” tileset.
   Can/Aus downloads Canada Topo in northern Hemisphere, Aus Topo in southern
Added support for GPX_style extension (also KML Styles)
Added per track line width
Added per track coloring
Added per track opacity
Added per track pattern (dash/dot, et cetera)
Added track names to KML exports
GPX files now saved as GPX 1.1
Drag and Drop of files now supported for main map window
  (previously only active file list could be dropped into)
Fixed synchronization issues between profile/simplify/waypoint/track dialogs
Fixed infinite loop with large GIS waypoint files, skipping at high zoom levels
Fixed false clipping for long track segments
Fixed problem reloading tiles when clicked outside current UTM zone
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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v3.41 - Australian Topos, Line styles
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2008, 07:53:52 AM »
Very cool Scott! Track width color and style options are exactly what I've been wishing for. It will make the html maps I prepare for documentation of wilderness patrols much easier to interpret quickly. (Thick lines for videos, thin for web based html maps.)

By the way, one of my friends in the FS said that if TF had a few more of the annotation features of NGS Topo! (in an easy to use format) it would be great, as he could use TF for all his needs, only needing to learn one program well. A real advantage of the TF file format is that the GIS people should be able to directly import the files. Granted, Topo! will allow you to save as .gpx, but this only saves what can be associated with waypoints.
