Author Topic: New 3D stuff - 3.25/3.26  (Read 3329 times)


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New 3D stuff - 3.25/3.26
« on: March 10, 2008, 07:49:24 PM »

A new setting in 3D settings is available: Texture Detail.

Basically this increases the size of your current map view so that you have a higher resolution map painted on the 3D model.  This is especially useful when you zoom in on the model, or as you explore the terrain.

As you move the slider the texture will update itself.  Note that the tileset will change according to your tileset settings.  So you may get a higher resolution tileset than currently in 2D view.  This is a good thing, though if you want to keep your tileset and exact view, you can always leave the Texture setting at 1.0.

The only downside is a brief pause while generating a 3D view.  So you can go as high as you're willing to pay in terms of waiting.  Also note that the size of the map is limited by your video card's maximum texture size, so it may not get much more detailed beyond a certain point (depending on video hardware).

Overall, this is a major improvement in the quality of 3D views.  I've been having a blast looking through old GPS files and re-exploring areas in 3d mode.

High res 3d exports

Previous versions of TF could only export the current 3D view.  Now you can arbitrarily set the size of the export - up to 4096x4096 on most cards (8192x8192 on newer ones!).

Here is a (large) example of a high res export from the Wasatch Mountains.  This will appear in the next issue of BIKE magazine.  

Wasatch 5 day trip

The Landsat tiles are really great for large scale 3D views like this.  Google Earth has some great high res imagery, but you get a nasty "patchwork" effect when you try to look at too much terrain at one time.  Landsat is very consistent.