Author Topic: Beta 2.96!  (Read 3003 times)


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Beta 2.96!
« on: September 21, 2006, 12:27:56 PM »
2.96 marks the beginning of some drastic changes to TopoFusion.  Adding native support for some bigger data files like cities, roads and wilderness boundaries caused us to re-evaluate some of the design decisions made early on in the development of TF.

We've sped quite a few things up, adding clipping algorithms and general intelligence for viewing large amounts of data (especially when zoomed out).

It's still in progress, but we're pretty excited even about the current beta release: 2.96.  It's available here for registered users:

Since we auto-load a cities database, we can now search it!  CTRL-F opens the search dialog and I've already found it to be mucho useful.

The other big addition is the "Run Analysis" dialog.  This was added with the help of Dr. Phil Skiba who has done research on computing power and relating it to overall exertion for runners.  His website is (which explains his process in detail):

Before it took a 6 or 7 step process to compute GOVSS scores for a given run.  Now it's all contained in TF.

From the revision history:

2.96 - [9/19/06]
    Added GIS Layers window - auto download and display of roads, cities,
      state, world and wilderness boundaries.
    Added Run Analysis dialog, including GOVSSā„¢ and power calculations
    Added basic .kml file reading
    Added city search / goto dialog (Goto->Goto City..)
    Various speedups and improvements