Author Topic: Downloading crash in v2.91  (Read 5654 times)


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Downloading crash in v2.91
« on: August 03, 2006, 07:11:31 AM »
Hi Scott and all,

This probelm might not appear or has been fixed in beta 2.92. I'm still on 2.91. If so please disregard....

Got in last night and tried to download data from my Edge 305. Progressed about 1/3 of the way through the downlolad when TF blew away. Did this twice in a row. Three was a charm.

Saved the logs, but don't see anything signifigant.... least not in my feeble mind.

Lots of this...
getpacket, usb = 1
1m_hCom = 940
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
getpacket, usb = 1
1m_hCom = 940
getpacket, usb = 1
1m_hCom = 940

I am downloading 2.92 and will try it.

If you want the logs from the crash(s), let me know.



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Downloading crash in v2.91
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 09:08:43 AM »
Okay.. just did a ride up here in the backwoods of Kentucky and downloaded the ride data. Uggg.. riding the bluff up and out of the Ohio river valley is not fun in heat.

But on a more signifigant TopoFusion note.... upon downloading,
Crashed once. Worked on second try.

Was on v2.92.

The log just shows lots of the bogus cadence/hr messages.
Guess you changed the amoung of logging between 2.91 and 2.92

Let me know what I can do to help....


PS If it matters, unit is Edge 305 with cadence and HR, software is 2.7 with gps 2.6.


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Downloading crash in v2.91
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 11:05:08 AM »

Nuts!  Well, thanks for the report.  I thought we had these issues taken care of, but evidently not.

That's so strange that it just blows away without an error message or anything.  Very puzzling.

I'm off to ride the Colorado Trail for ~10 days, but I will start looking at this issue as soon as I get back.  Until then, I guess you'll just have to be patient with it.  Sorry about the problem.


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Downloading crash in v2.91
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 08:58:32 PM »

Sorry to bring up old and bad memories.

Enjoy the trip and post up some files of interesting tracks and the things we mere mortals won't be able to see.



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Downloading crash in v2.91
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2006, 09:43:16 AM »

Well, I'm back a little early.  Being a mere mortal myself, my legs got pretty exhausted after ~280 miles and an insane amount of climbing.  Dealing with thunderstorms at 11,000+ feet (above treeline) EVERY DAY got a little old too.

Anyway, do you have any update on Edge problems?  Every time it "crashes" does it just whisk away with no error messages and nothing meaningful in the log, or have you seen an actual error message / crash?

If it's just blowing away it's going to be very hard to figure out.  I may just have to set myself up with a full Edge / HR / Cadence setup.



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Downloading crash in v2.91
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2006, 12:13:34 AM »
Such a dilemma you face… whether or not too buy a new toy… errr… tool, to continue working and be a part of Topofusion development. Hmmm.. isn’t that a tax deductible thing?

 Well, in my humble opinion, I love the Edge and the heart rate monitor is nice. I got the cadence unit also… but now debate it’s merit. It was nice being able to verify my cadence was in the range that it should be, but now I rarely use it. It also does double duty as a speed sensor if the GPS should lose lock and needs to have a means of input, but with the sensitivity of the SIRF receivers… I have yet to lose lock on any but the rarest of occasion.

Okay… out of my opinion mode.

The good news, I have not had any crashes after the ones I reported. So maybe just a momentary fluke thing? I did recently pick-up, install and use Franson GPS gate… but it wasn’t loaded or running when the crash(s) occurred.

But also.. when it did blow away... no error message, no notification, no note in the log.

So.. I’m happy with closing the problem report for now.

No problem here occifer.

And if other priorities prevent you from buying an Edge unit with accessories… I’ll be happy to keep feeding ya data from my unit.

Thunderstorms and lots of climbing at 11,000 feet, yep, that sounds like a Disney vacation. Hmmmm.. why would anyone not give life and limb to do that for two weeks. Yeah, some things just get old if there isn;t a solid goal at the end.

Thanks, no really, thanks for all you guys do, TF is awesome and getting better all the time.