I ran into a glitch in v4.0 with the printing routine. It seems that it calls the print box but any changes in values such as number of copies to print are not taken in account and while changing the print direction from portrait to landscape works, it does so only once and reverts to the default, portrait. That makes it tedious when printing a bunch of copies of the same map/aerial etc.
Other programs get a different print box and with any changes, there is a apply button and then the changes are recorded and followed through.
SAR teams often need to download several tracks representing blocks to be searched into searcher's GPS units.TF Pro has only provisions for sending one track at a time. It would be very useful to be able to highlight a number of tracks and send them as a batch. 20 track limit of 60csx is a known limitation but newer units can accept 200 tracks and perhaps now more.