Author Topic: Beta 2.984 - User  Maps  (Read 4085 times)


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Beta 2.984 - User  Maps
« on: December 13, 2006, 03:43:33 PM »
Here's what is new in 2.984:

2.984 - [12/13/06]

Added User Map capability
  CTRL-U brings up user map dialog (or in Window menu)
  2 and 3 point calibration
Added on-screen message display
Added ability to rename files in loaded file list
Fixed bug profiling tracks using profile/merge tool
Fixed short filenames coming in when double clicking on GPX file
Fixed highlight track/zooming issues in DLtracks dialog
Speedup - less map tiles drawn when zoomed in
Minor fixes - CTRL panning in other mouse modes, shadowed text


The biggest thing is user calibrated maps.

So, this is the thread for problems/comments about that feature.

We'll be putting together a web page with instructions, but my guess is that you guys can figure it out.

A few comments:

2 point calibration is the default when you first add a map.  Using the select points tool you can resize and move the map.  Resize by grabbing either of the corners (labeled as calibration points), or move the map by clicking on the center green "X".

You can change the location of the 2 calibratin points, while still keeping the map from rotating (north still up).  This calibration is useful for most maps that just need to be scaled in X and Y.

If you need rotation, skew, etc, then you should add a 3rd calibration point.  You can adjust the position of all three calibration points using the select points tool -- for fine tuning.  Note that you can only adjust the world coordinates, not the position on the image itself.  To change where the points are on the image itself, you'll need to redo the calibration for that point completely.

Also, when you hit one of the "calibrate point X" buttons, the map you are calibrating appears scaled to fit the current view.  You can still zoom in or pan on the image to get a more precise location.  Just use the select point tool to choose the point on the image.

Transparency is pretty nice if you are calibrating something over a topo or aerial.  Adjusting it is pretty self explanatory.

Finally, if you want to enter coordinates for a calibration point rather than clicking on a map, I suggest creating waypoints for your calibration point.  Then you can just click on the waypoint.

Please let us know what you think.  Thanks.


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Beta 2.984 - User  Maps
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2006, 08:11:52 PM »
COOL! That works pretty good!