Author Topic: Beta 2.11 Released  (Read 7911 times)


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Beta 2.11 Released
« on: September 26, 2004, 07:36:55 PM »
2.11 is out.  New profiler (speed, grade, time) plus "Lap Analysis" are the two biggest additions so far.

For some info on lap analysis go to:

Lap Analysis

That feature I am more or less happy with, but I would like to hear any suggestions for improvment.

As for the profiler, I still plan to work on it further.  Specifically, some sort of smoothing (for both Grade and Speed plots) needs to be done.  I'm not sure how the smoothing will work (where the settings for it will be), but it will definitely be adjustable and have the ability to be turned off.

I'm also trying to come up with a way to precisely measure/profile portions of tracks -- the way the smaller "master profile" in the profile works now, but more precise.

Next up is most likely some additions/improvements to the logbook.  There should be a text field to enter notes on each file/day.  Also, ability to show multiple files/workouts/whatever per day is needed.  

What else?  Printing and UTM grid lines are definitely needed, but Alan is the man for those and he is rather busy at the moment.  I may start to tackle the grid lines though.


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Beta 2.11 Released
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2004, 09:27:15 AM »
There is one known bug in 2.11 so far (thanks to Ken for reporting it).

To get the "place waypoints" feature to work (in lap analysis) you need to be in UTM and WGS84 for your display coordinate type.  Due to a quirk in how waypoints are placed this setting matters.  It was a simple fix, but I won't put up a new version for something so small....

Ken also had the great idea to have the lap analysis split up not just based on distance (or laps) but on climbs/flats/downhills.

To see the length, total gain, time spent, et cetera of each climbing or descending section would be insanely cool.  Being able to click on it and visualize on the map is even cooler.


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Beta 2.11 Released
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2004, 05:01:02 PM »
As for the profiler, I still plan to work on it further.  Specifically, some sort of smoothing (for both Grade and Speed plots) needs to be done.  I'm not sure how the smoothing will work (where the settings for it will be), but it will definitely be adjustable and have the ability to be turned off.

I've only just started playing with the beta so maybe I am missing something.  But the y-axis in the profiler seems to be labeled incorrectly when set to speed.  It looks qualitatively correct and is consistent whether options are set for pace or speed.  But, for example, when the crosshairs are on a spot that reads 7:32 minutes per mile (8.0 mph) it's at the tic mark labeled 12 minutes per mile (5 mph).  

The lap analysis stuff already looks terrific and the changes you're contemplating sound even more cool!

One suggestion/question.  I'm used to seeing pace graphs inverted from what Topofusion is showing: i.e. 4 minute mile closer to the x-axis than 8 minute mile.  Speed graphs I'm used to seeing the way they are presented: 15 miles per hours is higher than 7.5 miles per hour.  Am I weird or is do most people agree with me? How difficult would it be to invert the graph when people (runners I guess) choose pace?


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Beta 2.11 Released
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2004, 05:19:45 PM »
I'm not seeing this behavior... the cross hairs match up in both speed or pace mode for me.  I can't think of what might be different in our setups.  Maybe send me the track you are using?  Or post a screen shot?

You are right that the pace graph is a bit weird being upside down.  I haven't looked at too many pace graphs and it did seem odd.  It was just the easiest way to do it.  '<img'> I don't think it will be much trouble to reverse.  Thanks for pointing it out.


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Beta 2.11 Released
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2004, 04:12:02 AM »
I'm not seeing this behavior... the cross hairs match up in both speed or pace mode for me.  I can't think of what might be different in our setups.  Maybe send me the track you are using?  Or post a screen shot?

I just looked at a few of my other tracks: 2 show no labels at all on the y-axis, 1 is correct, and the first still has labels that are inconsistent with the "readout" from the cross-hairs.  So I should probably send you one or more of the offending tracks so we can see if it's something about my installation.  Is there an email address for that or something else besides pasting it into the web forum?


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Beta 2.11 Released
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2004, 07:20:33 AM »
Sorry, should have included an address (I thought we had already had emailed each other)



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Beta 2.11 Released
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2004, 04:24:42 PM »
How about being able to "save" or "set as default" the Custom Algorithm Settings under Climbing Analysis?  The current default is DEM, which drastically slows the Climbing Analysis if you have DEMs for the viewable area available.  At the very least, change the default to GPX (stored) in the meantime to speed things up.  Personally, I find GPX (stored) w/3m Minimum Gain seems most accurate, so it would be cool if I could set this once and forget about it.  Maybe just another tab in Options/Preferences?


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Beta 2.11 Released
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2004, 08:44:48 PM »
Agreed, the default should be GPX (stored), and it should just keep your settings somehow.

Actually, it'd be nice to be able to configure it so the climbing stats on the main file list come up as what you set in Climbing Analysis.  Except that DEM probably shouldn't be allowed since it could get really, really slow.  So maybe it's not the best idea.  But I do agree there should be a set as default button.