Author Topic: Removing HTML map icons, etc  (Read 7788 times)


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Removing HTML map icons, etc
« on: April 14, 2008, 05:33:21 AM »
Hi Krein,

I may be missing something, (now why would I suggest that?!)   but wanting to completely undo the addtions made by the HTMLmap feature, I found it awkward. I ended up finding a folder with no pics in it, and then clicking the 'place pics as waypoints' button.

Unless there is a way I missed, it would be nice to be able to click an undo button that would remove everything added; the icons, and the additional files added to the picture folder.



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Removing HTML map icons, etc
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 01:30:27 PM »
Hi Larry,

The "place pictures as waypoints" button shouldn't touch your photofusion directory, right?

Maybe you mean the "Generate HTML Image Map" button?

There is no way to undo it, but you can safely keep regenerating HTML maps in the same directory -- it'll just overwrite what's there.

Same goes with the placing of waypoints -- as long as the "replace" option is checked you can redo the placement of photos and the old ones will be removed.

Not sure why an undo for the HTML map is necessary.  Seems like it isn't too hard to just delete the whole directory?  We could think about adding a function that removes all the files TF created, I suppose.


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Removing HTML map icons, etc
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2008, 05:48:28 PM »
Quote (Krein @ April 14 2008,12:30)
Hi Larry,

The "place pictures as waypoints" button shouldn't touch your photofusion directory, right?

Maybe you mean the "Generate HTML Image Map" button?

There is no way to undo it, but you can safely keep regenerating HTML maps in the same directory -- it'll just overwrite what's there.

Same goes with the placing of waypoints -- as long as the "replace" option is checked you can redo the placement of photos and the old ones will be removed.

Not sure why an undo for the HTML map is necessary.  Seems like it isn't too hard to just delete the whole directory?  We could think about adding a function that removes all the files TF created, I suppose.

Krein, I guess I didn't explain the issue very well... yeah, it's a minor one.

On the wilderness patrol I mentioned, I ended up three .gpx track files, one for each day, and then I merged the tracks to make one more file.

We also ended up with over 3 gigs of pictures!

Before I realized that I should preserve these files, not change them, but 'save as' another name before I used the picture feature, I just located the main picture folder for the trip, and then clicked 'place pictures as waypoints'. It worked fine, but camera icons *all over*  '<img'>

I later realized that I needed a 3D map with just the tracks, no icons, and could not immediately figure out how to get rid of them.

I also found that having TF place hundreds of picture waypoints was a bit of a mistake.  '<img'>  If the 'show pictures' toggle under "Map" is on, it takes a rather long time for those files to load, to say the least. It worked much better to make a sub folder with only the pics I would want for a given TF file.

In addition, I had also made an HTML map with all the pics, which of course added a lot of thumbnails to the pic folder. Not the best idea! I need to remember now to clean out the extra stuff in this folder, but of course I thought 'gee wouldn't it be nice if I could just click a button and completely remove all changes I made using the photo features (pleural).

On the other hand, I probably won't make these mistakes again.....



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Removing HTML map icons, etc
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2008, 07:30:59 PM »
OK thanks for the further explanation.  I can see how it can make a mess of the pics directory with all the thumbnails.

You're right that it's better to pull out pics of interest before doing any photofusion.  I always take many more pics than are interesting/useful, (like duplicates of the same shot) so I've been pulling pics into directories for quite a while.

I imagine it would take a while to load 3 gig of pictures!  '<img'>

Note that it'll only load pics that are visible, so even if you had all those pics placed as waypoints in a file you could look at portions of the route w/o loading everything.  Should work just fine.

I don't know if it's worth the effort to do an undo command.  I'm a little leary of deleting files from people's directories.  Extra files around are better than deleted files, know what I mean?

The feedback is appreciated as always.