Author Topic: Photofusion Time/Date Error  (Read 6966 times)


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Photofusion Time/Date Error
« on: March 05, 2008, 11:18:20 AM »
I am using TFPro v.3.20 and am having trouble getting the Photofusion feature to work.  The error message I get when I try to place photos as waypoints is:

"Latest Picture: 2008-03-03 - 17:29:25
 Earliest Trackpoint: 2038-01-19 - 03:14:07 GMT"

The time/date for the picture looks to be correct.  I don't know where the trackpoint came from with the year of 2038.  I have checked the time/date settings of the handset ( Garmin Map 60CSX ) and it is showing the correct time and date.  I also checked the time date settings for both the camera and my PC and they are showing correct.

Anyone have any idea why the track is showing a date of 2038? And how would I offset 30 years?

The other funny thing I have noticed is when I Merge/Delete Track window displays after doing a transfer, it shows 5 different tracks that start on the same day, Sat Dec 30, 1989.  And they all have the same start time.  There should be 5 tracks, 2 different start days but 5 different start times.

Any and all help would be appreciated.  

Thanks in advance!


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Photofusion Time/Date Error
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 06:38:25 PM »
It sounds like you are downloading "Saved Tracks" (designated as such in the merge/delete dialog).  Saved Tracks, in Garmin-speak, do not have time stamps, thus the bogus date/time you are getting.

Only the "active log" has real time stamps, and it's generally not advisable to "SAVE" tracks on the unit itself.  Just let them sit there in the active log until you download.

What I'm not sure of is why PhotoFusion is reporting a 2038 year!  Do the files have time data (check for stats like moving time and speed in the main window)?


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Photofusion Time/Date Error
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 09:09:44 PM »
Ah, I was indeed "saving" the tracks on the handheld and then uploading a few at a time.  There wasn't any time data associated with any of the tracks including the active track.  I did notice however that my "track log" on the handheld was set to off at the time of downloads.

I have since deleted the tracks off the handheld (don't worry they were of the local mtb trails, I guess I will just have to ride them again.  What a shame!) and turned the track log back on.  I did let the handheld sit here creating a new track and then tried to download it.  All data appeared correctly with the new "active log" including time, date and all other time data.

I will get out in the morning for another ride and take more pictures while I am out and report back.


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Photofusion Time/Date Error
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 09:14:47 PM »
Yep, it's a shame when things force you to get out on the bike for more "testing."  I know it well.

Let us know how it goes.