Author Topic: Photo icons in html map  (Read 5351 times)


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Photo icons in html map
« on: August 12, 2007, 08:20:55 AM »
Krein, thanks for the tip about turning the track display off. You would have thought that I would have thought of that, but then again....  '<img'>

Still fiddling with the html maps, and I find now that there is no camera icon displayed next to the image file name. As I remember there was at one time, but it got in the way if pics were closely spaced. Yeah, that was a problem.

After I place pictures as waypoints, I can edit those waypoints by selecting 'properties' for the track, and looking in the waypoint tab. When I edit an individual waypoint, I see that the default icon is set to 'photo', but no icon displays, at least all the time. If I click on the file name, a small yellow dot pops up. That's handy when working on screen, but the precise location of the waypoint does not show in the html map.

I've put the symbols.bmp file in my TF folder, and I can choose any of the other icons I would like, and I guess I can even edit them in my photo editor, but to have such icons show in the html map, I'd have to edit every photo waypoint.

Am I missing something? In the improbable instance that I'm not, would there be a way to change the default icon added when you 'place pictures as waypoints' to the user's choice of the ones in the symbols.bmp file?



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Photo icons in html map
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2007, 08:50:54 AM »

One thing is that the photo symbols actually come from the sprites.bmp file, not symbols.  They've been in TF for quite some time.

Is it possible you have a custom sprites.bmp that might be 'off' in some way?  To check, just move the file to a different directory (the default .bmps for both files are built in to topofusion and will be used if no file is found).

It would be possible to give a dropdown for the desired waypoint symbol for photos, but I don't think it makes too much sense -- most people probably want the waypoint to stay "Photo", and actually TF uses that to know it's a special kind of waypoint.

Let me know if you're still having trouble with it.


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Photo icons in html map
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2007, 02:25:13 PM »
Thanks Krein,

I'm not sure if my TF used to generate the html map feature is working as designed or not. I removed both the sprite.bmp and the symbols.bmp files from the TF directory, and still no camera icon. I just get the file name. If under preferences>fonts I choose symbol instead of name, the text 'Photo' shows instead of the file name. No symbol.

If I use the 'toggle view status (photos)' button I see a thumbnail, the size based on my settings. A mouseover a thumbnail cases the thumbnail to enlarge. It's very cool! But this feature is not included in the html map.

So I've still not been able to have the little camera icon displayed at the point each picture was taken. I even read the help file believe it or not.   '<img'>

Operator error?

But in fiddling around, I found a method that works better than the icon anyway. I used the batch renaming process in Vista (XP too) to sequentially rename all the pictures with the base file name of "----.jpg". The next one in order is then automatically named ----(2).jpg and so on. The result is that if you display just the name of the file, the name serves as a nice little arrow that points at (just barely below in my case) the location from which the picture was taken.

So no big deal now; I'm just feeling silly that I can't get the camera icon to show. Replacing the sprites and symbols files does not change things.



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Photo icons in html map
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2007, 05:12:05 PM »
Wait, do you get photo icons in TF, but not in the HTML?

If you have the photo icons on you should get thumbnails that are clickable on the map.  If the photo toggle is off you click on the photo icons as before.

I just tried it out on my machine and I get photo icons both in TF and the HTML, regardless of photo toggle.

Hmm.  Another question - when you profile the track do the sprites (hiker, cyclist, etc) work?


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Photo icons in html map
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 05:40:37 AM »

This is very strange! (It must be me - should I Email you separately?)

To be safe, I just reinstalled v3.15 (over the top of what I had).

I do not get the photo icons in TF. Just the text of the file name when the photo toggle is off. The photo toggle function works properly.

If I edit one of the waypoints that were placed corresponding to a photo, I can change the icon from the default 'photo' to something else, say 'mine', and the mine icon appears. But it's not clickable.

When I use the multi-playback feature, there are no sprites. Only a small red dot that follows my route.

