Author Topic: New Google Maps Satellite Data  (Read 3058 times)


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New Google Maps Satellite Data
« on: February 27, 2007, 02:10:24 PM »
Google Maps just rolled out an upgrade, at least for Utah there is now color satellite imagery for the entire state, at all but the highest level of resolution.

I wish they made their data available like TerraServer does.

I know it's out of your control and you can't make the data available in TF, I just wanted to share the good news about the update, and lament about it's irrelevance to TF...

The thought crossed my mind to suck down the tile sets, resize and geo-reference them, and setup my own server to return the tiles (pointing the appropriate Google domains to my machine) and trick TF into importing the new imagery.

But seemed like a lot of work and violates the Google TOS.  It was a good dream...