Author Topic: Merging Multiple Tracks  (Read 4450 times)


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Merging Multiple Tracks
« on: August 08, 2007, 10:47:32 AM »
I have a 37 MB .gpx file with a ton of different tracks, all from different days and lots of start and end points.

I see the new Merge Tracks Tool, a very nice addition.  When I turn it on and then click on a multiple tracks while holding Shift, if I click on two adjacent track segments in a particular order it works as expected.  But if I click on the other one first, then the second, a straight line connects the ends.  Is there a way to suppress that connecting line?

Likewise, when using the Merge Tracks Tool is there a way to suppress the profile window?

Also, once you have selected some tracks, it is very difficult to deselect them.

I have a ton of work to do in this .gpx file, and even small improvements in this tool and my understanding of it will save me a lot of time, not to mention being useful to other users.



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Merging Multiple Tracks
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 10:56:34 AM »
The straight line you are getting is due to the direction the tracks are in.

After clicking on the second one, right click anywhere on the map to get the context menu.  Select "reverse last segment" and it should eliminate the extraneous line.

There's also an option to remove the last segment, if you clicked on the wrong track, for example.

Also, "clear all" will deselect everything.

I think you're right that the profile window needs to be supressed, perhaps by default.  Sometimes it's useful because you can see "flat" areas meaning you didn't get a continuous track, or need to reverse a track.  But it often gets in the way, too.

37 MB is a pretty large file.  Is the display slow with all those tracks visible?  I just noticed a total bonehead piece of code that now speeds up track drawing by 2X and often more, if not all the tracks are visible.  Speedup coming to a beta version near you...


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Merging Multiple Tracks
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 11:11:15 AM »
Thanks, the "reverse last segment" should work fine.

At TF startup it takes 4 seconds to load the 37 MB file, but the performance is pretty good once you're in.

Perhaps the "clear all segments" function should be called when you click off of that segment, or click on a new segment without the Shift key held down.

If I zoom out to encompass the entire file it gets a little choppy, but most of the work is done zoomed in pretty far, and if I'm not working on it that file can be unchecked, which immediately makes the dragging around snappy again.

Still, a 2x improvement is always welcome (as would be auto-detecting and reversing of the last segment, when you have nothing else to do, which may be never).

Thanks for a great product!