Author Topic: Datum Sets  (Read 5158 times)


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Datum Sets
« on: October 22, 2005, 01:45:53 PM »
Hello all ....I'm new to all this GPS and Topofsuion stuff, though, i always have been very good at using maps, and what not. But, I have some questions?

What is the difference between datum maps WSG 72 and WSG 84 and NAD 27? is it age, detail, etc....

How many other users have difficulty, loading the 2 8 32 topo tilesets and combo 1m....  I have contacted them, and tried the fix of 16 v 32 colors...(GIF problems) No go...I am unsure whether S.M. recieved the email i had sent for a BETA I see the server was down..I know your busy so I am  trying to see what other remedies are available..

 Scott by the way i was able to enlarge a map to fit to export by rotating the screen 90 degrees.. Ah the power of flat panel displays..How are those arrows for maps coming?

In Photofusion, it describes changing the offest  time to accomodate for the GMT and Camera time. Apparently for the time stamps to be equal.. Is there more detailed instructions for Dummys... ( I being the latter)  

Is there BLM maps on a server across the country, which give private and state property lines...???

I guess this is all I have now...


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Datum Sets
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 11:14:41 AM »
Map datums describe the ellipsoid model used for reference on the planet.  Any given map with coordinates must be in a given datum.

What's the problem you're having with the 2,8,32 topo tilesets?  Are the colors messed up or what?

The photofusion time offset is mostly just to tell which timezone you're in.  The GPS data is always timestamped with GMT, but your camera will be whatever your timezone is, or whatever you have it set to.

I'm not aware of any BLM maps


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Datum Sets
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 02:48:15 PM »
Thsi is the email I sent to Scott...

Scott, I am still having no luck with the 8m maps...I have tried changing the setting from 32 to 16 and vice versa. You mention a GIF decoder problem? Is it in the software or my hardware? Are their fixes...I know I can view anything I know of GIF in my other programs...So I am little confused.

Here is what I know:

No    2m topo maps
 Â      8m topo maps
   32m topo maps

No combo Maps at 1m

Though it does show downloading check..and if the download check is removed or left it will produce a white form 3d topo image in those 4 map tilesets.

So apparently the gif is read by the program for the 3d effect but not 2d format?

I do have 256m tilesets  though...


It's weird and the 8m tileset for the size trail system is what needed to get good normal map size. Other wise I have to rotate my monitor... etc.. The program is awesome... We the SCGMBA are mapping out the traill system and also using it to set up our race for the spring... SCGMBA

It's a work in progress and eventually we will map out more trails, I have 10 day  offs start in the morning..and plan on riding as much as possible .....


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« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2005, 04:48:44 AM »
Quote (Alan @ Oct. 24 2005,12:14)
I'm not aware of any BLM maps

AZ has a Land Management website that has some maps showing who owns it (BLM, State Trust, Feds, etc)

There is an interactive map (may be possible to get data from this server) and a pretty cool statewide pdf file at the bottom of the page.


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Datum Sets
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2005, 05:05:14 PM »
There is a local BLM guy who wants us to add property lines to TopoFusion.  He's provided a data file for AZ, so as soon as I get some time I plan to take a look at the format and see if I can add support for it.  

Should be a very useful feature....