Author Topic: Daaa---Help!!!  (Read 3263 times)

Express Trails

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« on: October 26, 2004, 06:40:01 PM »
WOW-this is just the program I've been looking for.  Why aren't you guys making a million?  I'm happy that my future updates are covered for a steal of a price.

We're wanting to start mapping equestrian trails in our area.  I'm practicing with a walk around our ranch and a short ride at a friends.  All looks like it's going well.  

Now here comes the part that shows how unknowledgable I really am.  How do you get the map to print?  How do you get just the area where the trails are to print without losing the scale of the map?  Which way is north?  How can I get a mileage ledger and compas/directions to print with the maps?  (ledger seems to always be way off to the side.)  How can I mark sections/loops of the trails with mileage?  How can I get the grade/difficulty/effort level for just a section of a trail?

My apologies for so many questions.  My inexperience shows.  I know this is the program I've been searching for.  I just need some tweaking and training.

Thank you so very much for your time and effort.  It is greatly appreciated!  '<img'>


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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2004, 07:04:53 PM »
Let me try to answer all your questions!  

We still don't have printing yet.  You're stuck with export to image, then print.  It is coming, but not yet.

Crank up the tileset zooming slider in options so that smaller maps are show at larger scales.  But, with the printing will come an export that allows images larger than the screen and thereby large maps with more detailed tilesets.

North is always up (more or less).  TopoFusion doesn't draw a compass.  The distance ledger is always in the lower right.

Try the new beta ( and its "lap analysis" feature.  It can add waypoints marking distance intervals along a track.  

Hopefully we will have more ways to look at portions of trails, in addition to more functionality in the lap/interval analysis feature.

The program does need some tweaking and addition of new features.  Thanks for the questions.  They point out some good issues to be dealt with.

Aside--No millions for a number of reasons, foremost, perhaps is that we don't want to be huge.  We're still at the point where we have quick turnaround time on support and other queries that go directly to the programmers/designers, and we'd like to keep it that way.  The main reason, I guess, is that we have done almost nothing to promote TopoFusion.