Author Topic: Bigger scale maps?  (Read 3710 times)


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Bigger scale maps?
« on: January 25, 2005, 06:46:21 AM »
Hi,  I've got a great big long track (200k points or so) and topofusion is one of the few programs wonderful enough to handle it.

However, there's no big enough map.  My track covers driving around the US, but the biggest maps are vertical slices of the US.  Is there any way to plug a bigger map in?  

Or does anyone know of any software that can lay my track over a single large map of the usa?

Karl P


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Bigger scale maps?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2005, 10:37:25 AM »
There is no large scale map unfortunately -- topo 512m is the largest.  

One thing you can do is load the states.gpx file to at least get the borders of all the states.

The new version of TF (due out soon) does have support for large scale satellite imagery, but we're still having problems with crossing zone boundaries, so very large scale maps are not supported yet.

Take a look at:

That's a map of our bike ride this summer with the satellite imagery and the states file loaded.  It's about 140k points.  Glad to see you're using some of the potential of TF.  I don't know of any other programs that don't slow to a crawl.


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Bigger scale maps?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2005, 05:59:49 PM »
I've been working on getting an automated interface to get Topofusion tracks and waypoints into a format that I can load into MapPoint. I do it for getting my tracks and waypoints into a map with streets etc. mappoint will zoom out to show the US map...If you are interested, you could use the Topofusion SAVE AS option to save your track to a MapTech .TXF format then zip and email to me and I can create an example print with your tracks on it. If interested send me your email. Here is a small 600 mile trip at the us level.  

TopoFusion State.gpx :