Author Topic: 3D question?  (Read 5447 times)


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3D question?
« on: October 15, 2006, 10:13:23 AM »

I am new to this program and after seeing Delorme and this program I prefer this program very much. Its ease of use is VERY much like Google and the 3D feature is VERY nice. One thing I would like to know is HOW to increase the 3D area? as of Now its a small area, I would prefer something like google that has a continuous view?

Also is there anyway to add a colorized feature? I noticed when I do the combo the wooded areas look green which is a nice tough but then they have the overlay, I was wondering if it was possible to have a color feature for this program?

I havent bought the program yet, but am leaning heavy on doing so, my biggest complaint is the download of aerial photos. at 1meter they take forever as there is a small field of view. It would have been great if someone had these files already downloaded then uploaded for all to download if they which by state. I have a large forest area that I must do and there is no way around the long times to download all the maps because of the limited field of view at 1 and 4 meters.

Great program though, much better than Delorme, which I regret paying for now. lol



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3D question?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2006, 10:29:05 AM »
You can increase the area in 3D by either zooming out before going into 3D, or zoom out in 3D mode and hit the 'R' get to regenerate the model.

I agree that the field of view is too small the model.  We are reworking the 3D code right now.  We haven't approached the continuous modeling method of Google Earth yet, but we are getting closer.

In minimum we want to increase the area and detail of the texture when you generate a model.

Not sure what you mean by a colorized feature?  You want to add color to a given tileset, like shade everything green?  That sort of thing will be easier come the the Direct3D version of TF that we are working on now.

As for 1M aerials -- yes, they are very detailed, so they take a while to download them all.  You know about the 'load maps' tool, right?  You can grab an area, then let it collect tiles while you sleep or something.

Even just a single state at 1m aerial would be quite a large file.


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3D question?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2006, 11:56:15 AM »
What I mean is you have a small footprint on downloading maps for 1 meter. It would be nice to be able to Zoom out and yet Still be able to download 1 meter maps. Right now I think the screen allows 20 1 meter quads, There was some other free program that allowed 1meter downloads but you were able to get the big picture so you could download about 40 or so.

I checked that tool you mentioned, I didnt notice it, some of the buttons dont stand out. But again it will only mark what is visible on the screen it wont let me scroll and keep selecting a wider or bigger box to download 50 square miles or so while I sleep. So the feature doesnt really help me, unless I AM using it wrong?

Thanks for the help BTW, its a really nice program much better than Delormes.


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3D question?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2006, 08:19:38 AM »
To get more tiles to fit on the screen go to


Change "Tileset preference" towards shrink lower tilesets.  The display may be a little slower this way but you'll be able to get well more than 40 tiles.

You're not using the load tile tool correctly.  In the same dialog referenced above, select ONLY aerial tilesets.  Then zoom out to larger tiles (64 meter, for example) and draw a box around the area you want (You can save that box for future reference using "right click->save as..").  It downloads all active tilesets in that box.


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3D question?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2006, 09:59:50 PM »
Thanks that helped alot!

This is a wonderful program so much was thought of! :-) I am downloading right now the 1meter maps after hand doing the 4, 8, 16 maps. lol
