Author Topic: Wishlist: Workspaces  (Read 3440 times)


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Wishlist: Workspaces
« on: May 25, 2004, 04:54:32 PM »
I use TopoFusion quite a lot; it's a great tool. I Keep a lot (hundreds) of GPS tracks and waypoint files around for my volunteer project at a large local park.

A feature that would be useful to me would be a way to save and load my active file list, enabled/disabled files, and current view -- the stuff that gets saved in TopoFusion.ini -- as a named workspace. Sometimes, when I get things set up in a way that I know I'll need later, I'll exit the program and save a renamed copy of TopoFusion.ini. The next time that I want that particular setup I can then change the name back to TopoFusion.ini before restarting the program, but that's sort of a hassle. It would be very handy if there were "File/Save Workspace" and "File/Load Workspace" commands that would allow me to use named ini files without restarting the program.

Keep up the good work, thanks.

-- Steve G.


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Wishlist: Workspaces
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2004, 04:44:41 PM »
I agree--for a lot of my work I'd like to use something like a "workspace" file.  It will get added eventually, but it could take a while.

Thanks for writing with the suggestion.