Author Topic: Continuous Trail Network  (Read 7547 times)


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Continuous Trail Network
« on: June 14, 2006, 10:51:05 AM »
One of the things I like most about TopoFusion is the Make Network function for creating Maps of where I ride.

One of the things I like least is that when I read the .gpx network file back into my Etrex Legend it looks like this:

The problem is that the trail network is created out of a bunch of discontinuous trail segments.  The Legend connects the discontinuous segmenst with straight lines, makeing the map unreadable.

It would be nice if there were an option for the Network function to create a single continuous track.  Yes, I know that the track would have to back-track on itself, so you'd have some redundant data.  One could try to come up with some fancy algorithm for minimizing back-tracks, but I don't really think that is neccessary if you leave it as an option and advertise its limitations.

What do you think?



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Continuous Trail Network
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2006, 10:17:47 PM »
Yep, I see what you're saying.  It may be possible for the track breaks to show up when you upload using the "newtrack" flag in the protocol.  I'll have to check how it's being handled right now.

Are you uploading to active log or saved tracks? With saved tracks they should show up as separate (non-connected) tracks, but you'll be limited to either 10 or 20 (depending on the unit).  You've got more than that in the network shown above.

I'll have a look-see.


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Continuous Trail Network
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2006, 10:40:50 PM »
I would generally upload a network such as the one pictured into the active log, but even when I upload into saved tracks, it still tries to connect the tracks.


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Continuous Trail Network
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2006, 11:39:02 AM »
If you look at the segments on the map, with the straight line connections form point to point, it is because the profile reads a certain direction.. I have had this difficulty many times awhile back, however you can fix it. When making a network and connecting point to point. Select the segment you want change and use the profile and playback tool (purple) with arrow icon, right click Select the segment and select reverse segment.. Remember that the GPS records the track as you used it originally biking, hiking etc... It works for me....then save it....little time consuming but it works very well.


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Continuous Trail Network
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2006, 11:41:07 AM »
If you look at the segments on the map, with the straight line connections form point to point, it is because the profile reads a certain direction.. I have had this difficulty many times awhile back, however you can fix it. When making a network and connecting point to point. Select the segment you want change and use the profile and playback tool (purple) with arrow icon, right click Select the segment and select reverse segment.. Remember that the GPS records the track as you used it originally biking, hiking etc... It works for me....then save it....little time consuming but it works very well.

I load into my 60cs and have not had the reconnection data, that you seem to have...pictured above...