Author Topic: Speed profile  (Read 4026 times)


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Speed profile
« on: August 09, 2004, 08:21:19 PM »
Hey guys.  How difficult would it be to offer the user a choice of displaying the speed (in addition to the elevation) as a histogram in the Profile window?  I'm toting a GPS receiver with me for flatwater kayak training and racing this summer, and the elevation data really isn't pertinent (no waterfalls to ascend or descend).  I can watch the numeric speed value change during playback, but it would be cool to see speed trending in a histogram for when I'm paddling different boats, trying different paddles, etc. Bracket from 0 MPH to a little over max recorded.  This would be a useful feature for any boat owners using TopoFusion.  There are probably some other non-water related activities that would also benefit from this.

Keep up the good work!


PS - Semi-related Christmas wish.  Ability to import a Polar heart rate monitor data file and integrate it with the recorded GPS data!  See: for the file format description.  I know, don't hold my breath...


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Speed profile
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2004, 06:32:56 PM »
Hey Joel,

I am planning on re-vamping the profile functionality to improve it in many ways, as well as offering new types of profiles including the one you mentioned.

Also, Alan (the other author) had made rumblings about incorporating polar heart rate monitor info in TF.  

It's been a slow summer for TF (I was riding, Al with new job) but hopefully there will be some new progress in the fall.



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Speed profile
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2004, 05:38:32 PM »
Cool!  Thanks.  Drop me some email if the heart rate monitor data feature starts to percolate.  I'm going to be working on a heart rate monitor book for my publisher starting in the fall, and will have yet another chance to talk about TF. :-)
