Author Topic: Mapsource(s)???  (Read 4615 times)


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« on: June 06, 2005, 11:13:19 PM »
Hey folks,
Okay, i don;t want to whine. I love the program and use it often, I just wish we could fix that litttle *poof* problem where the program exits.

But I have a question.... and you may or may not have the answer.

After hearing so many things about this google map I gave it a quick look. The urban photos of the hometown (San Louie, Missery) are the same on goolge as the USGS/Terra-server .25m urban. But then I scrolled up to where a buddy lives in Rock Island, Illanoy, and found that google has color urban photos.

Doing some digging, I found a reference of where his company recently built a new office and road leading to it. The terra-server has nothing of the new road on the urban or aerial photos, but does show it on the landsat. Google has it as urban color.

Is gooogle signing with a multi-pickle of suppliers, or is terra-server not keeping up with USGS?

Again, if you have any ideas, I'd be curious to hear, but otherwise, I love the program, have shown it to several folks that have purchased... and we all are very happy.

Keep up the good work....


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« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2005, 03:53:20 PM »

I'm not sure about the source of google's maps, but I'd guess it's just that they have a different source, not that terraserver isn't keeping up with the USGS.  It would be nice to add support for google maps, but we'll see.

Now the poof problem... this is a hard one because we can't duplicate it locally and so I don't really know where to start looking in the code.  I think I had asked the people who were having the problem (there's either 2 or 3?) to send me systems specs, but I only got a reply from one of them.  There could be a similarity in the systems that might give us a clue as to what's going on.  I probably got yours back, but not anyone elses.

I'll send reminders and/or post about it again.  Thanks for your support of TF and for spreading the word.


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« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2005, 05:25:25 AM »
I've recently had some 'poofing' for no apparent reason - - until I remembered that I had gradually been increasing the cashe settings, and the memory use settings. I set all of these way back and the poofing stopped. Then I started increasing them again without problems until...

I increased my RAM from .75 gb to 1.5 gb. Since TopoFusion uses a percentage of RAM to set the memory use values, these numbers increased a lot. Apparently something (XP SP2 or who knows what) could not use all that dedicated RAM, and I got a poof every time I tried to run TopoFusion. I backed the setttings down, and everything is fine again.

By the way Krein, it would be great to know more about the end effect of these settings For example, for normal use, is there an upper limit beyond which you won't see any difference? Say on the 3D settings. At least that way I could crank up only the settings that really make a difference.



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« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2005, 10:48:11 PM »
thanks for the input.

But sionce you are really replying to another post located elsewhere, I hope you don't mind if I copy and paste the info to that section.

This was a thread of mapsource data origination.

BTW... I did head out to the USGS original site. They do not have color photo of Rock Island. So from best I could tell, TerraServer is as up-to-date as USGS claims to be. Google is getting maps from a multitude of sources.