Author Topic: Grids and Printing  (Read 3612 times)


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Grids and Printing
« on: February 29, 2004, 04:36:38 PM »
Topofusion is a great program that needs just a few more basic features before I can stop using other programs.

1. Overlay Coordinate Grid. A grid that displays the coordinates (lat/lon/utm) so that a printed map can be used with GPS in the field. This could be done over the map like TopoUSA, or on the margins if no. 2 below is added like Maptech. I really consider this a necessary feature for GPS map software. Currently I don't take Topofusion maps into the field because I can't use them with GPS.

2. Print function, a basic feature for any program really. Screen capture is ok for saving screen images for viewing on the computer, but printouts suffer from not using the highest resolution available from the tiles.

Thanks for the great software and the continuing updates.


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Grids and Printing
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 09:37:50 AM »
I'll restate my desire to have a grid feature added. This is really needed if the printed maps are to be used in the field with a GPS for accurate positioning. I was on a long trip this past weekend and although I normally carry TopoUSA maps (because of the grid feature!), I had Topofusion maps with me. Not being able to pinpoint our position on the map really delayed us at 1 am in the morning. And it really is a pain to create both a Topofusion Map and a TopoUSA map for each trip.

On the printing front, an idea occured to me that might be a quick temporary fix for a full printing function. If you added the ability to scroll exactly one screen horizontal and/or vertical using a keystroke or something, then the exported screens would be fairly easy to paste into a large image before printing. I know this can be done to some extent now, but it's time consuming and hard on the eyes. Just an idea.
