Author Topic: Google maps  (Read 3723 times)


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Google maps
« on: July 21, 2005, 06:29:25 AM »
Krein, found this on the Google site; based on what I read, I'll bet that Google would not object to your using their maps. I notice that they are reserving the right to add advertizing in the future, so that suggests what their business model will be for the product.

Google Releases Maps API for External Use - 29/Jun/2005

"I'm very happy to let you know that our friends who have created Google Maps have released an API so that you can post interactive, draggable, zoomable, maps (with satellite imagery) on your personal websites.

For more information, check out the Google Maps API page and be sure to join the Google-Maps-API Google Group. A huge congratulations to the maps team for doing this."


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Google maps
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 02:40:36 PM »
the API would only work as part of a web page, but it would be awesome to have TopoFusion be able to output an HTML file that used the "Animation" part of the GoogleMaps API, like seen here:
(notice the photo slideshow as well)

Here's another nice example of the GoogleMaps API: