He he he, I could have sworn I looked *everywhere* for a way to turn those off. It turns out I looked *almost* everywhre...
Yes, this functionality is fine. It only takes a second to refresh the image and remove the labels, and that is just dandy.
Now that I understand this a little better, perhaps another suggestion:
Maybe move the 3D button to the right on the toolbar and add buttons to turn on and off tracks and waypoints in 3D mode, and maybe even a small slider or dropdown to adjust the elevation exageration.
The interface is already clean and usable, that would just make it a little more so.
Thanks again for a killer product. I went up by Strawberry Resevoir in Utah scouting elk over the weekend and carried my GPS with me, and it was so cool to show my Dad and brother in 3D mode right where I'd been, where I saw the elk (I made waypoints for anything of interest). They were blown away.