
Terrasever is once again having problems. TopoFusion is able to grab some tiles, but starts to choke on “internal server errors”. This is about the third time this has happened in the last few months.

I added area calculation for tracks and fixed up the “tracksegs” problems–hopefully. We should be releasing a new version soon.

This morning I walked with Hottie to school, then hopped on my hard tail for a nice cruise through the foothills. It is unbelievably hot during the afternoons, but the mornings are still nice.

I rode my commuter over to school for the vision meeting and am now regretting it. My knee is a little sore and my right leg is aching. The meeting was horrible: 14 people crammed in a room designed for 7. I may have to plan on missing this meeting more in the future… unless attendence starts to drop.

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