I knew I wouldn’t get much of a chance to ride back in Utah, so I killed it the last few days, including a Tucson Mountain Park ‘big loop’ with Krista before hopping on the plane. It’s not always the best idea to bury yourself before a trip or family visit, but what can I do — the sun was out and the trails called.

An attempt to recreate the photo I took of her riding this section with a brace holding her shoulder together instead of multiple ligaments. She fought a good fight against reality, it was impressive to see. Nice to see her back rocking the same Tucson trails again.
Even if I could only get her to eat a TJ’s peanut butter cup in two sittings (whilst on a 6 hour ride…).

In Salt Lake it was dry and warm enough to go on a shoreline trails scouting mission.

The air was remarkably clear. A big relief as the inversion last year was pretty disgusting. It meant the sun was along for the ride.

It also meant the snow was melting and the trail softening.

Oh yes, I remember playing this game all too well. Fun for a day, but that’s about it. Either my Dad’s bike (that I was riding) has poor clearance, or I am an unskilled mud avoider. Probably a little of both. My Dad and brother fared better.
Always a treat to get to ride with family, especially at Xmas time in SLC. I felt very lucky.

Watching the sunset with little Frankie, from his Great Grandma’s house. I felt very lucky to have the whole family together, and for the awesome people they all are.

Hot cocoa and cookie party!

This game is too much fun… especially the laughter that always ensues. I found myself face down on the floor laughing hysterically multiple times.

Oops, it’s starting to dump out. Time to get on the plane back to the desert, and to the most anticipated Christmas of all time. (And trust me, the one where we got the Lego Monorail and the one where we got the Nintendo Entertainment System were highly anticipated, to the tune of many sleepless nights :)).
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