Taco Air

It’s techy riding season in AZ, and I’m not complaining one bit. My legs, scraped up skin and cramped up calf muscle might have a complaint or two, but luckily I don’t take complaints from them.

So it was that it became Tuesday again, and Chad’s taco ride was on. The body said …. [Continue reading]

Gnats – East Side Tacos

Jonathan has been cracking out on Agua Caliente for months, maybe years now. I’ve had past love affairs with Hot Water Hill in the past, but living on the west side of Tucson has made the romance grow a little cold.

His photos and words finally got to be too much handle. I …. [Continue reading]


Clouds and rain, temperatures stuck in the 50’s. Life is so hard in the desert that sometimes it just pains me, it really does.

It doesn’t matter how much it rains, the Tucson Mountains are always rideable, and arguably better after or during a big storm. Time to ride!

Look who’s back …. [Continue reading]

Brush Mountain Lodge

Note: I wrote this in October 2012 as the foreword to the 2012 Cordillera

I’ve been a fan of divide racing since 2004. As I toured the route I would check MTBR.com for text updates in every town, gobbling up any piece of information or online commentary I could find. In 2005 I …. [Continue reading]

Wednesday Techyburgers

Some rides are too good not to post up.

It’s usually techy tacos, but this time we went for techyburgers, and on Wednesday.

Also on tap was a different trail. It quickly turned to a nasty rock strewn climb. Just exactly what we love.

J-bake looks on and Max is stage right, at …. [Continue reading]