It was just Chad and I against the rocks and tricks of the techy taco ride. I was running late, and forgot to bring a number of things, including lights and composure.

Had it not been the first opportunity to ride with Chad on his new bike (a Behemoth much like mine), I might have bagged on the ride altogether.

As ever, the taco ride is always worth it, once you get out there.

The views, the eastward piercing evening light, the jokes, the rocks and the moves.

photo by Chad Brown
Starting late and with no lights, it was good it was just the two of us, as we were able to skip past moves we’ve ridden but failed on this day.

New ground, new moves!

Fortunately Chad brought his lights, so I stayed close as we pedaled back down Oracle Road, en route for Rubio’s & $1.25 fish tacos. Yet another instance of Chad bailing me out.
We also took the “dueling Behemoths” for a loop on the upper fifty, where the Behemoth is really at home. Here’s a video of some of the (too much) fun:
This week’s taco ride is coming right up! Can’t wait.
Stunning photography! What a great place to ride!
BEAUUUUTIFUL lines boiiiis!
i can think of hundreds of comments … but not a single one of them could possibly express the over-excited GIDDY that you just ffin’ inspired.
January. February.