I met Chad at the university, where we rolled out to the Tucson Mountains to find a challenging trail or two. Energy was low, but will still strong.

Climb the John Krein trail.

Plug a tire.

Try and try, even though success is unlikely for either of us.

Hit the top.

photo by Chad Brown
Pause a while, eat a gummy bear.

Drop down on semi-trail.

How do I roll off this one?

Oh yeah!

Are there any rocks on the trails down in Tucson?

TMP’s closest thing to A52. Head over to Chaddy baby’s blog for his photos (which are quite good).
Riding has been more a survival exercise than anything else of late. Luckily I have some good friends to share the rides with. Next ride of photo-worthiness was the taco ride.

Several takers this week… the warmup is on overgrown singletrack and drainage ditches.

“Evil” Patrick showed up for his first taste of the tacos. And he pretty much killed it — cleaning many hard moves on the first try. Best first run on these trails I’ve seen.

No grimace required this week.

Hey, that’s not your bike! But soon, Chad’s black Behemoth will be a reality. I have seen it!

photo by Jonathan Buchanan
I rode / faked it well, despite my dribbling nose and psyche.

Into the desert we go.
Such a beautiful place to spend an evening:



J-bake (Jonathan) is making progress every time out, dude’s got tenacity. Check his photos here: rocks n clocks blog.

Oops, time to make trail for tacos. The time for sessioning has past.

Down Alamo in a blur. It may be a 2mph blur, since that is the top speed on that descent, but it’s still feels fast. Until you stop and realize the sun is long down, but you’re still hot. Last night was quite possibly the last hot ride of the year, and while enjoyable in a way, I’m ready for the change. I’m embracing it.
[…] John Krein, where have you been all my life? Easily the best adventure ride to be had in the middle of town. You can read more Krein articles at Chad’s Blog and Scott’s Diary. […]