Fiery sunset at the start of the SDMB wednesday night “suburban assault” night ride. Myself and Bob from Eugene, OR have been keeping this tradition alive until Mark Flint is back at it.

The sunrise the next morning was almost as good, though never as fulfilling when seen from a windshield rather than the open air of a bike.
I was heading out to meet the ‘Thursday Crazies.’ I was curious to see what their plan was to make the AZT’s I-10 drop off rideable (for bikes and horses).

photo by Walt Tannert
It involved finding, digging out and carrying a bunch of big rocks. Team work!
These guys are a hoot to work with. Crusty old army dudes know how to work hard, and they’ll tell stories that’ll have you in stitches laughing. A little crusty, but all of them have hearts of gold, and have done an incredible amount of volunteer work for the Arizona Trail. Guys like Bernie and Laddie are my heroes.

photo by Sirena
The finished product. The AZT comes out of the culvert under I-10, just photo left. Missing in the photo (she took it) is Sirena, who recently finished hiking all of the Arizona Trail, raising funds for Fibromyalgia. It was cool to finally meet her and learn that she is planning to next tackle the Grand Enchantment Trail.
Doing a bit of AZT work was a good warmup for the Jamboree ride, on Saturday! It’ll be fun to ride our tiny new piece of trail out of the culvert, though the 3 foot drop to sand is tempting as well…
I Bike Tucson shout out! Nice shirt.
Hey Scott- it was nice to meet you too! Great timing, as I have been wanting to talk to someone who has done both the AZT and GET to see how they compare. I just love the Crazies, they are such great guys to work with.