If you’re in Tucson this weekend, come on out to Paula’s race, the Sub 4 Pedestrian Mile. Proceeds benefit the local athlete development fund, which is a new project she has been working hard on (through the Southern Arizona Roadrunners club) to help foster competition and support Arizona runners.
This is the first year of the race, so she could really use some support, in getting the word out and just participation in general. It’s only a mile long, so even cyclists should be able to finish it and possibly even take home a bit of cash!
The race is this weekend, December 19th at 9am, downtown Tucson.

On January 9th next year, Chad is putting on a singletrack ride on the AZT to benefit the Arizona Trail Association. $30 suggested donation to ATA, ride 30+ miles of singletrack and get free beer / schwag at the end. Should be a good time. I am hoping to ride out and back for 70+ miles of 1-track minded fun. 3am start?
TopoFusion is helping out with the web site and the maps:

Speaking of 3am start, we have added a 116 mile option to the Antelope Peak Challenge. It is experimental in that no one has ever completed the loop in a day. Should be fun to see how it goes.
For those with some sanity remaining, the ~65 mile original Antelope Peak challenge is one of my favorite loops in the Tucson area, and sure to tickle your adventure funny bone. It’s awesome out there.

Haven’t yet posted pics from riding with Mike Curiak and crew. Above is one of my favorites from the few I took. Many more to come — he and his buds were shooting pictures like it was going out of style. I used to think I was a camera geek…
It was an incredibly fun set of back-to-back rides with them, including my best run on Bugs->Prison->Milagrosa to date. More to come on that.
For now I’m worried that I may be walking the line between over-reaching and over-training. What can I say? Riding is too much fun, and there are too many awesome people to ride with. But, I’m begrudgingly pulling in the reins and taking it easy for a bit.
Camera-geekedness is becoming a highly competitive sport in and of itself!