Slightly cooler in Tucson today. Enough to scare everyone off the trails (?!) but not even enough to bring a knee warmer out of hiding. Paula and I headed to the 50 for a ride/run combo.

Paula started out on foot while I went in search of rock.

Can you see the monkey kissing the saguaro in the above pic?
The green Behemoth is happy to finally see some quality trail time. It has been dormant too long. Absence makes the heart grow fonder though–the bike is an absolute blast to ride. Every rock demands a tire, or an attempt at a tire. I managed to scare myself a couple times even while keeping it pretty conservative. Adrenaline spike!

Dynamic light was the order of the day.

I met back up with Paula, now on bike, for a lap of the chutes.

It’s her favorite trail, and I can understand why. On the return leg we watched a cow eating prickly pear pads. When it tried to eat a black/rotten one Paula kept telling it, “No! Don’t eat that one, it’s nasty!” It finally spit it out and went on to more tasty (?!) ones.
The parking lot was still empty when we got back. No complaints here.
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