I debated about Prescott, and other trips for the weekend. But it’s been too long since our last Sweetwater Friday ride, so I rolled out from home, en route to Paula’s school.
My friend the NW headwind was there, but it had no hold on me, with bodily systems finally over whatever flu/allergy/asthma nastiness plagued me throughout March.

Fire at the confluence of Santa Cruz and Rillito. Cross the river, then on to Sweetwater!


New record on the dab count for Paula climbing Broken Arrow.

We’ve been adding little pieces of neighborhood road and even some dirt to our return route. We’ve also been adding a food stop, usually in empty fast food joints. I’ve said it before, but ending the week with a few hours on the bike, with Paula, is a great way to unwind, have plenty of time to talk about whatever is going on, and stay connected.
Finally, an evening light Surburbo…

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