Paula hammered to finish her report cards so we could skip out of town early Friday. Destination: St. George, Utah.
It was primarily a family visit, and the first time in some time that all of my siblings have been together. Pretty special just for that, but I also managed to ride every day.
First up, Paradise Canyon.

Been a while since the four of us have ridden together. It was a short one, but good. Classic quote from Alan:
“I would have totally piled if I’d been on a 26…”
(He was riding Paula’s Canzo 29er)
Paula and I headed out later in the evening for a second Paradise loop.

I found some stuff to play on and scare myself with.

Seriously considered that one for a minute before seeing that it was likely 8+ feet with the speed required. Gave it a roll up just for kicks though.
Next we met up with Dave and Lynda.

They showed us a grand old time on new-to-us Rim Rock trail.

Hiking? Waaa??
Both of them were injured / recovering and likely shouldn’t have been riding (Dave was trying to only breath through his nose, and mostly succeeded). Meant they were easy to keep up with for the first time…. ever?

Paula chasing Lynda.
They rolled back home, but Paula wasn’t done. She has officially caught the St. George fever (is there such a thing as a ‘bad’ trail here?).
“I could ride stuff like this all day!”
So we did a loop of Barrel Roll.

Wish I could say I made it. After I pinch flatted my front tire (?!) on the next try, I left it at that.


Heading out for a hyper enthusiastic hike with the (twin) niece and nephew. I still don’t have the words to describe those two kiddos. Just wish I could spend more time with them.

“Look what I found… another rock!”
Next my older brother and I got into a bit of a pickle out Owen’s Loop way.

An interesting bench cut into highway fill on City Creek Trail. I was convinced there was a way to loop back from Owen’s and even found the trail in the place I remembered. But we soon lost it and got into some quality bike pushing and rock maneuvering. All in a day’s work for those not content with the beaten path, so to speak.
Siblings, SO’s and nieces / nephews were disappearing, but we stayed for another ride out at Church Rocks while my Mom and sister hiked.

Short, but sweet, it’s almost like two different rides. Super mega buffed trail on the way out and back, with a fairly technical slickrock loop at the end. I found a couple steeps and gaps that forced an ‘elevated sense of awareness.’

It reminds me that it’s been far too long since I’ve ridden in Moab. I miss the huge expanses of orange rock. Every time I go here (St. George) or there (Moab) I’m filled with (solid) rock envy.
More rock envy was in store on the way back to Tucson. Paula and I hit Sedona for a bit of Sedona Big Friggin’ Loop pre-riding.

Things started well. A fun, semi-challenging climb up to Airport Mesa. I couldn’t wait to get onto more orange rock.

Ugh. I forgot I’m still in Arizona. The backside of airport is more like Highline Trail / Mogollon riding than anything I’ve seen in Sedona. Technical, yes. Rough as hell, yes. Fun? Kinda. You need to be in the right mood, and I guess we weren’t. Spoiled from buffage in St. George? Possibly. Tired from traveling, days of riding and staying up late chatting? Yep.

We rolled across the bridge, amidst utter chaos of Spring Break (dood!) Sedona. Schnebly was nice and quiet, especially when we got on the trail. Not much flow on this trail though, kinda makes you wonder why you’re on the trail when there’s a road 10′ away. I’d never been on it, but knew from Flag locals that it’s more commonly ridden down than up. I could see why.

We followed Chad’s GPS track off the trail and through a confusing slickrock area. Huh. Looks like he was lost here too. I played around a bit on the rock there, soaked up the views and then decided to flip around. Home was calling, and we expected to be able to cover more than 15 miles in the first three hours. That’s what you get for having expectations.
Cruising down Mund’s trail was a complete blast, as expected. Definitely some hoots and hollars from yours truly. Oh how I love the Green Behemoth.
Paula’s having second thoughts about doing the Big Friggin’ Loop, and I’m not so sure I’m up for such a pounding just two weeks before the 300. We’ll see.
[…] March 22nd, 2009 | Category: Mountain Biking | Leave a comment […]
Wow Scott, your photography is getting good.
SBFL is an ass-kicker. The stuff you rode is some of the hardest of the loop – but it gets a little more interesting just past where you flipped it 😉 I did most of the loop with a strained ACL joint last year so it can’t be too bad LOL. It was the most technical thing I recall in ’08…
As it turned out the Doc told me I should have been riding with mouth open, not closed. Doh! (OK actually he said I shouldn’t have been riding, but c’mon…)
Good riding with you two and good luck in your upcoming exploits, whatever they may be. With power, no?