Yeah, it’s hot in AZ these days. But the storms have started rolling in, so if you are both patient and lucky, you may just find the perfect evening.

The darkest rainclouds are potential backdrops for the brightest rainbows.
It all depends on coincidence and conditions.

I missed the big storm while I was in Alaska, I guess. It erased tracks, creating a clean surface on all the local washes that I ride.
Erasing the past. And what is the past, but something we relate to? Should it affect us so?

Today’s storm was not so big. Just enough to drop the mercury ten degrees, and compact a tacky layer on the trail surface.

I love the smell of the desert after a hot summer rain. I think it’s the creosote.

An under-used but very local piece of singletrack. The preceding climb is generally unrideable, but it went clean for the first time in half a year.
By the time I started riding home the wind had shifted, yielding speed when I expected suffering.
Oregon scheming and planning is well underway. We’re set for ~2 weeks of singletrack exploration in the Cascades.
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