Paula and I have discovered the holy grail of Tucson bike routes (well, for us). Cmno del Cerro is nothing but fear and loathing for any cyclist unfortunate enough to cycle it. Paula does it nearly daily to get to work (at a school).
Well, there’s a route through some dirt roads. It’s first signed “keep out”, then you come to this little gem of a sign:

On a dirt road, with a few rocks to keep it up. Awesome.
A tiny bit of singletrack and a new paved road bring us right to the school.

I met her there and this time instead of Sweetwater, we headed back into town on the gasline. Pretty fun as far as gaslines go. Minus the constant barking dogs from neighboring houses and bogus signage in places.

We then linked up to some suburbo singletracks.

Eventually ending up at Wendy’s for a frosty float.
I love summer.
I’m really looking forward to more rides with Paula. I’m lucky and I know it.
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